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RE: Are Tomatoes Really Bad For You?

in #homesteading7 years ago

One of the sites I cited had this to say about the craving of the nightshade. I completely understand. I also live under the belief of anything in moderation will not harm me. Having said that, I tend to give in to my cravings which are usually "bad" for me. Thanks for your read!

There is a reason why people crave them. Potatoes and tomatoes are very high in potassium and help counter the high sodium of animal foods. Nightshades may aid in the digestion of fatty, dense proteins. Consider America's favorite meals: Meat and potatoes, and pizza with cheese and tomatoes. These foods seem to go together naturally. We crave these combinations of foods because our bodies unconsciously strive to achieve balance. Extreme foods have extreme effects. In macrobiotic terminology, potatoes and tomatoes are extremely yin and expansive. Animal protein is heavy, salty, and yang therefore potatoes help balance the salt and protein of meat. Tomatoes, which are astringent and acidic, assist in the digestion and discharge of dairy products and help counterbalance the greasy quality of the fatty over salted cheese. Please remember, those who eat in this manner on the extreme ends of the food spectrum must realize that the results can be serious and damaging in the long run.