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RE: A Steemit Family Tree?

in #homesteading7 years ago

People tend to listen to the money part. Now that I can say that I have $20K in crypto assets people perk up. Later when my account builds up and I start taking an actual income it'll be even more convincing. Bless those that see the value without the dollar signs, but it is a great hook LOL


I'll have to think about that some. I tend to downplay the money part. I've only been truly active for a month so I didn't feel qualified to go there. I really do think a lot of people are going to kick themselves when they realize what they are missing out on (like my son who has been too lazy to sign up) lol.

This is one of the reasons I didn't talk about Steemit much in the beginning. I felt like I didn't know enough or HAVE enough to validate the time given to the site.