DEMONITIZED! This YouTube Game... sheesh

in #homesteading7 years ago

I thought I was in the clear... the video launched and was immediately monitized. All seemed to be going well, then this morning I woke up to find that the video had been DEMONITIZED.

I'm done trying to figure out "why?". It just seems to be the new norm. YouTube playing games with all the videos.

Conspiracy theories say that YT is targeting smaller, "wholesome" channels especially those in the homesteading niche. I'm not sure about all that but it sure seems silly how many of us are getting hit with this.

In the last few months I've found it very difficult to get any views as well. With almost 40,000 subscribers you'd think that it wouldn't be that hard to get a couple thousand views per video. That used to be the case, but lately most of my videos won't even hit 1000 views. Weird.

YouTube won't monitize the video until it gets 1000 views in 7 days. If you have time to watch and share this video it will be HUGELY appreciated!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!


This really seems to be happening more and more! I watched it twice and still can't figure out why it would be marked as "not suitable for most advertisers". Might be time to make a video soon talking about Steemit to your YouTube subscribers!

That's the quickest way to get demonetized, talk about another monetization platform. LOL

Yeah...I get that might not be a good idea! Maybe it is something that would have to be done if push comes to shove and @daddykirbs doesn't care for YouTube anymore!

Exactly! LOL

Indeed I might. I've hesitated to mention Steemit too much on the YouTube platform because I heard that YouTube was targeting any mention of that word... but I guess I don't have a lot to lose now. Well, I could lose my money makers like the Kombucha, Growing Citrus and the Collecting Honey videos LOL

I suppose if it gets really bad then maybe you might do that! I would hate to have creators like yourself not produce the content they want to knowing that YouTube will flag it!

I'm checking out DTube right now. I've not really considered it much before today.

Might want to talk to Zac over at @mericanhomestead I know he checked it out and had mixed results. I believe until a better blockchain option becomes available he has been using Vimeo.

Yeah, I remember hearing him mention that. I've watched a few videos on it today and it performed alright. I'll give @mericanhomestead a shout to get a better idea of his thoughts.

I've spoken with Zac as well. Dtube is ok, but it's FAR from mainstream. It performs as if it is far from mainstream as well.
The ideal solution at this time would be to have a Dtube account, automate it with your product, and hope it continues to rise in popularity.

It would be difficult to imagine 'just switching' over from YT and Dtube and thinking your reach wouldn't amazingly suffer. It would.

Yup just turning into the normal anymore...

You're one of the few content creators that I automate upvotes for all posts (I use Streemian).

Hope you can get over YT's banhammer, you produce great work.

Wait, if they've demonitized you, who gets the money from this supplier that is advertising on your video?

Are you 'eligible' once you pass 1000 views to get the money already earned on it? What a racket!


I'm not sure about that. I think it was re-monetized just a little bit ago. I noticed the warning wasn't on it. SO WEIRD! I'm not sure how it can get demonetized for only a few hours.

More weirdness. When I view my video list sorted by Newest I see that the little green dollar sign is lit... meaning it IS monetized.

However, when I sort by "Limited or No Ads" that same video is still in the list

Yeah, they're still playing ads. This is from Creating a Bee Yard Episode 1...BeePart2.jpg

Those stinky buggers!

Why did you not circle the word "limited"? One would assume that limited ads means that you will get some revenue whilst no ads means that you'll get none, or am I wrong?

Well good news... sort of. The video that this post was about is MONETIZED, but look at the videos above and below it :(

It just doesn't seem to make any sense about how they get demonetized. The Butterfly Garden video was fine until this morning.... and it appears that there are still ads on it!

Guess "advertisers" just have problems with the insect world! But only some of it...

@daddykirbs what is so wrong with moving bee hives...Really, from what I understand from many youtubers that I watch, they demonitize because of content issues that don't agree with certain people who control Youtube.

Awesome post friend.
I like your all content because your content type and quality is so good.
best of luck go ahead friend.

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That's why we started looking for alternatives to youtube. They demonitize videos that get 1000's of views and take a week to bring it back.

It's just all messed up these days. And the irony? First thing that happened when I went to view your video ON YouTube? I was served advertising...

I noticed my very latest and "extremely controversial" Butterfly Garden video is now demonetized. Are they playing ads on that for you right now?

I've seen where they demonetized videos for slaughtering animals. I also understand there are many people who are not okay with that and don't want to know where their food comes from. But that video had nothing negative or edgy like that in it. Why would they target homesteaders?

How about a series on YouTube called, "Demonitize THIS YouTube!"? It could be full of radical things for YouTube to Demonitize, like soap making, uhh pig raising, raking out the barn etc... I also think someone needs to start writing these mysterious advertisers... Ever notice the word Demonitize, starts with "Demon"? Lol!

Haha! That would be a funny series.

YouTube sucks man... I only use it to post the videos here... But honestly, same as other traditional social media, they have been changing their code to make it harder to get organically views, all their goal is to make you pay to get your video broadcasted...

It certainly is getting harder to make good things happen over there.

Also the adds are getting too annoying... Greed is taking them down...

positively positive posts quotes & funny stuff

Time to head on over to Dtube mate 😉

Just did today :)

I miss the golden years of YouTube where you weren't censored and all that mattered was the conversation.

Ever since the advertisers backing out of youtube controversy, I have watched this happen to many youtube channels that I follow. Some even claim that youtube unsubscribes their subs. I've never been unsubbed myself, but they are definitely, in my opinion, targetting the smaller channels. Of course it falls under some agenda conspiracy that they have, and no one can prove. Pretty bogus, but I feel that STEEMIT can solve the problem. I haven't even gone back to youtube since I got approved.

I have been unsubscribed to channels before.

Same thing has been happening to me. I upload at night and schedule for the next morning. For 2-3 weeks, every single video would be flagged to start, and then several hours after posting it would be back to normal. Even though I don't get the 1000 views I would request a review and it seemed to help. I don't know if I got credit for the views during the flagged period. I think they were just flagging all scheduled videos for awhile. It seems to be better the last 2-3 days. We will see.

I had opened a steemit account in the summer but then gradually stopped using it as much. This whole debacle has pushed me back here and with good results. I won't be forgetting about this again.

I just did my first DTube video. It's a silly video, but I needed to test that service. We'll see how it goes.

I'll be interested to see what your experience is with it.