Yesterday we met the cute fluffy Silkie chickens. They are precious, but aren't egg factories like the chickens we call the Main Layers.
This flock is mixed larger breed, dual purpose birds. There are some known breeds like Buff Orphington, Easter Eggers, Rhode Island Reds, Freedom Rangers (not great egg layers), Light Brahma, Wyandot and then some mixed breeds hatched here on the farm.
The Crazy Hens

That picture is not the greatest photo of chickens, but it does imply a bit of craziness like our reality in the mornings when the girls want out! Lol
Here they are scratching through some rabbit bedding and compost.
We have about (I lose track) 19 main egg laying hens. They give us about a dozen eggs a day. We use a lot of eggs, sell some and feed some to the dogs.
Today I'm strictly on mobile phone, so my post is a bit shorter. Tomorrow when I introduce the tortoises, I hope to have a real keyboard. Tganks for your patience with me on this. It's not easy keeping up when away from the house! Have a great day!
LOL Get off the phone and enjoy the family! Tweeting...
I'm spending a lot of hours away from the phone! I wanted to see if I could manage to keep up with daily steemit too. 😀🌴
Blake a vacation means shut it off!
Of those breeds do you have a favorite for egg laying?
Rhode Island Reds are reliable and durable.
Really nice hens. I'm a little the same - I have a layers flock and then funky little bantams which are more for fun than for eggs. They're all fun, quirky characters though :D
Yes the little chickens are fun 😎
That is a lot of hens. How many people are you feeding in your household to use that many eggs? Also where do you sell the eggs?
6 in the house. We just sell locally by word of mouth.
Your chickens are BEAUTIFUL! I've just recently gotten mine but haven't written an article for them yet! Hmm... Thanks for the inspiration!! ;)