Bees and Bitcoin - I'm looking to move them both, but...

in #homesteading7 years ago

It is unclear to me how to proceed. For both, the bees and the bitcoin, I have a plan, but there are some uncertainties. Let's discuss...

The Bees

There are three hives. One is very short and will be easy to move. No problem. The other two are taller and much heavier. I cannot move them in any way that will be damaging to the hive or the contents therein.

I did consider that, after strapping all the boxes together securely, I could possible wriggle them up onto the tractor bucket, but I'm concerned about vibration and bumps that could disturb the comb in the hives.

A buddy of mine suggested that I rig up a sling where I could dangle the entire hive below and elevated tractor bucket. This would certainly be more gentle on the hive's contents. So far it sounds like the best idea.

Do you have any experience moving big hives? Do you have any suggestions?

The Bitcoin

When I say I want to move Bitcoin what I mean is that I intend to take some of my earned Steem Based Dollars over to Bittrex via @blocktrades and start investing in some altcoins... you know, just for fun.

The challenge is that there are so many and my investment money is so limited. I am having a tough time deciding which coins to invest in. I like the idea of investing in some smaller coins (lesser value) just so I can have fun watching them climb. I can also afford to get some whole coins instead of just fractions.

A buddy of mine was discussing how he is interested in the THC coin because he firmly believes in the research and use of medical marijuana. Apparently this coin has something to do with how that industry is supported. I'm not against medical marijuana and the coin was cheap, so yesterday I put $13 SBD in to invest in 305 THC coins. Today the value is down, but who knows... maybe it'll be a good long term investment.

Some of the other coins I've looked at are:

  1. DASH (not cheap)
  2. NEO
  3. XRP Ripple
  4. OMG
  5. MaidSafeCoin
  6. Golem
  7. CoinDash
  8. IOTA (but not on Bittrex)
  9. BitShares (BTS)
  10. Siacoin (SC)

I have no really good reason for any of them except that I've done some loosey goosey research to come up with that list. I'm still learning about what all this means. That seems like a long journey, but for now I'm just going to get my feet wet with some of these.

Do you any tips, tricks, warnings or suggestions to consider before moving my SBD over to BTC, then to invest in some altcoins?

Thank you for sharing this time with me!


Sounds like a good plan on how to move the bees and I suggest before you move any funds to get the counsel of @mericanhomestead and @papa-pepper and see what their thoughts are.

Both of these gentlemen would be great to get advice from! Perhaps they will join us here so I don't have to "bother" them ;)

Wont it be profitable to convert crypto into some currency with lower market capacity????????? bitcoins are making so mucg progress right now all for what coz it has only 21 million market cap max... if u invest into something into even lower market cap then today or tomorrow u can make way more bitcoin mining is becomng so expensive now that unfortunately people will lose interest i think investing into btc wont be the best option u hv right nw

My recommendation:


Do you have any particular reason for the Cordana and Dash?

Cardano is a new smart contract project that has more benefits than Ethereum and has great team behind it. The project is built based on academic peer reviewed research papers and it holds great promise. Dash is known for its privacy and quick transactions and it is expected to move ahead of other coins in the coming days.

I would use the sling method to move your bees. It would be easier on the hives and so stressful on them. I have been looking at altcoins myself and they have a new one called Salt. Not sure about it yet still doing some research, but it will give you something to think about.

What do you like about the SALT?

That if at some point you need a loan it looks at your blockchain assets in Salt instead of your credit score. It takes the bank (so to speak) out of the equation from what I am understanding about it. It uses Salt as collateral for the loan. That is what I know right now still looking at it, not saying I want to go into debt but if it is needed it is nice.

Bees like honey collected and those who collected the bit coins in 2009, have grown as much as the Mouchak. I have read in your upper post. I like the fact that there is a lot of similarity with your words. In the present context, your title matches perfectly.

Thank you. Yes... gosh, wouldn't it be nice to have a few BTC that were purchased way back in 2009?!

Of course, I do not know exactly how much Bitcoin came in. How Bitcoin first came to Earth

Steem Based Dollars over to Bittrex
Don't do that.
I Bought BTC with my SBD through Bittrex

Siacoin(SC) is dropping right now. It will probably drop for a few more days.

If it cost more than USD$1, then I wouldn't get into it, if your plan is to grow your portfolio quickly. Bittrex Market link will show you which coins are going up, check the prices and the 3 month chart on the coin and jump in on the rise, sell in a day or two to get a good profit.

I would love to have time and patience to play the short game like that, but right now I'd like to figure out how to put my SBD into some coins for a longer investment. Do you have favorites for that?

  • Cardano (ADA) working on a better exchange method, founders worked with Ethereum.
  • StellarLumens(XLM) backed by IBM using them.
  • Einsteinium(EMC2) has a coin burn on the 9th and a big announcement coming on the 19th.

You can get into Siacoin(SC). It is way below its initial high, but it might slowly get back to it. There was some news on it, linking it to Google and blockchain data storage, so it might get some good press, which will help it beat its competitors.

Ever play with XST (Stealthcoin) @deanlogic? It's a phenomenal swing play. Check me on this, it's currently the MOST undervalued market cap of any anon/privacy coin on the market and actually has working product AND now offers ledger Nano support. And they've been around since 2014. I see coins with quadruple the circulating supply as XST with no product, just a concept trading thousands of % higher. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this might be one of the most undervalued coins that's actually real.

A little rich for my small stake blood. LOL

It does look good. Big swings and upward momentum since the summer.

😎 I'm just a shrimp2whales, but we all know the big whales all follow the

I am wherever that momo is ;) I'm going to send you some POCKET tokens (tradeable on Bitshares exchange) and also some for @daddykirbs - hang tight

I'm hoping to get beyond plankton by the end of the year.

Thanks for the tip.

I put $13 SBD in to invest in 305 THC coins

The pot coins all jumped up 2 days ago, so they will continue to go down as the pump is over.

What is your opinion on these coins as a long term investment?

I bought pot stock. One that does medical marijuana, it crashed after the election last year and has been slowly going up. As soon as I am more than even, I'm getting out.

I don't see the pot coins as any more than candidates for pump and dumping. They aren't providing anything that other coins can provide.

Agreed, many of these coins serve no intended function other than the original intention: pump and dump money grab. Another reason I urge people to look at the company, the product and the numbers/data. Do they have a product or a promise?
I'm all for investing in the cannabis industry, but private companies are a far better investment, in my opinion, than ANY public offering whether IPO or ICO.

Can't give advice on bees, although I have all sorts on my property and I can tell you how many times each type have stung

For crypto - I prefer not to "invest" in many alt coins due to the volatile nature, so trading is far more beneficial in that regard (at least for me). Selling an 'investment' at the right time is key to realizing gains and the "HODL" mentality many preach does not necessarily equate to gains.

I look at the following before I trade: Charts, product (is it imaginary or functional product), cap (market cap and coin in circulation = huge factor!, L2 (bids & asks), then I look for dev activity, tweets, website, etc...then price last. Cheap doesn't mean it's good, in most cases. Then I watch.. Buy the dips (I do not buy anything that's been going up for days on end).

I've had a great year trading & holding:
XST - Stealthcoin
XMR - Monero
ZEN - Zencash
BTS - Bitshares

Now playing with ENG - Enigma after recent dip down
I do not recommend buying alt coins when BTC is rising - wait for BTC price dip and you'll notice alt coins light up green. I buy the red and sell the green, so just tossing my opinion into the honeypot - not investment advice!

Best luck and Happy Huntin' @daddykirbs

Very nice. Thank you for taking the time to write that up. I'm moving some SBD over to Bittrex right now to do a little trading today. I will consider your advice here along with that of @deanlogic to try, perhaps if I have the guts, playing some shorter trading.

My pleasure, your post sparked a wave of thought, so I figured I'd share ;)
I traded stocks and penny stocks for a few years, so I'm big on chart analysis and watching for certain patterns. I do recommend learning some candlestick patterns - that will help you tremendously! I started learning with the silver spot price charts years ago and the more you look at them, the more they make sense.

You can try looking up your alt coins of choice on - I find some great trade setups there from some veteran analysts from time to time.

Trading is a lot of fun if you start small and learn as you go. There's lots of tools available online for trading and researching alt coins, so I'm sure it'll be an exciting endeavor - and hopefully greatly rewarding! Best luck to you, I and the rest of us early adopters 😉

Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 2.22.50 PM.png
like clockwork ✌️🤑

After looking at so much... I'm so totally confused LOL. maybe it will settle in soon and I'll be able to read the matrix.

pocketsend:10001@daddykirbs, some pocket for you to play with or tuck away

Oh... here it is. I'll check it out. thanks :)

Successful Send of 10001
Sending Account: grow-pro
Receiving Account: daddykirbs
New sending account balance: 49459
New receiving account balance: 10000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 71c86379c90a75c3ea8f3a92e8a5412c7150c3f1
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.

pocketsend:10001@deanlogic, some pocket to play with or save

Successful Send of 10001
Sending Account: grow-pro
Receiving Account: deanlogic
New sending account balance: 39458
New receiving account balance: 10000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 55b5bd0e8b5456e0d37feb9daf4848f781b657b3
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.

I would invest in

  1. bitcoin as it will mostly like continue to grow
  2. ethereum as it still has big potential
  3. SMT smart media tokens. This will meet your objective to be close to what you love doing (bees) and sharing your hobby with the world..

I would recommend the strap and tractor bucket as the easiest and safest. Slings sound good, but there is a lot more that can go wrong with them swinging and possible loss of control and worst case being dropped. Although the bucket would add minimal vibration, if will not adversely effect the bees. My bigger concern is it appears you are only moving them a short distance and the field bees will return to their old location. What is your plan do get them to reorientate to the new location? General rule is to move 2 miles away for 2 weeks or move 6-12" a day.

I'm going on the idea that Michael Bush is correct when he says that the bees will find the new hive. Of course I'll do my best to block the entrance in a way to make the bees re-orientate to their new location.

I never had much luck with short moves even when obstructing the entrance, hope it works out better for you. If your weather is cooler and they aren't flying as much, it may work out better. Of course, going into winter is the last time of the year you want to loose population. For short moves, I always wait for winter when I know there will be multiple weeks of non-flight. Not sure where you're located, so maybe the winter plays no part. Keep us posted how you make out.

I'm missing WTC and VEN there :)
Good luck investing!