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RE: Our Homesteading Vision: Motivations

in #homesteading7 years ago

While it would be an uncommon path to travel, and some friends and family neither approved nor understood, I just felt like this was the right choice for us...

You and the Mrs. sound a lot like us. Our family thought we were nuts when we moved 90 minutes away to start working on a little homestead, but as California became more and more insanely heavily regulated, we fled to N. Idaho (16 hours away). It was tough leaving our somewhat established homestead and starting over, especially since this time we weren't within driving distance of any family or friends, so no help with projects or watching the kids, but no doubt it was worth it! We started hugelkultur beds last year and my husband, @guntotnhippie , took a Permaculture course before the move so that is the direction we're headed with this new homestead. Looking forward to reading more from you.


Thank you! I am interested to see how everything turns out for you also. Hopefully a post or two on those hugelkultur beds...