Tip's Tips-In this Video I tell you how we use cardboard as a simple & super cost effective way to control weeds in your garden!!
In this Episode of Tip's Tips, I talk about how we use cardboard here in our garden & also in our flower beds & around fruit trees to control & suppress weeds. The great thing about cardboard is that it is easy to get & it is FREE!! Super money saving gardening TIP! From your favorite homestead goat, Tip!!
Three places that you can find free cardboard that you can use as a weed barrier, is at the grocery store, car dealerships, & furniture stores. Those are the 3 places we get our free cardboard for here on our homestead to use in our garden as a pre emergent weed control.
The awesome thing about cardboard, other than being free, is that it really works great at controlling weeds in your garden, & plus it breaks down & turns into compost, which will increase the nutrients in your garden soil, turning it into black gold via by composting!
I will generally place the cardboard around my vegetables or flowers or shrubs & even around fruit trees, & then I will pile mulch, like leaves & pine straw on top of the cardboard to hold in moisture & also to help the soil.
I have noticed that anywhere I have cardboard down, I have tons & tons of earthworms there. It seems to really attract earthworms, or at least here on our homestead & in our garden it seems to really attract earthworms.
Thanks for watching!!! Hope you have the BEST day ever!!
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Thank y'all!!
Jason Smith, The Dancing Farmer & Tip the Goat
Cog Hill Farm
You're doing fine. I just did not see such an interesting sight. I did like it. Your garden and of course your Animals
Love the animals they are so cute. I never tried cardboard before but I use white vinegar and spray it on the weeds and its always works for me. Ill try the cardboard this summer thank you for the video.
it's true - cardboard is pretty amazing! i've used it when i'm filling in my raised beds, and it is a champ at controlling weeds. grass is still a bit of an issue at times, but if everything were perfect, it'd be so boring (LOL).
it is really great tips about Gardening :)
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Thank you for sharing this fantastic tip for gardeners everywhere. We've resteemd you @the-hearth, @mountainjewel's curation page for quality earth-centered content.
We heartily believe in supressing weeds with cardboard, too! It not only reduces weeding time, but also traps moisture and decomposes over time to build soil. A win-win! Steem on! :)