Our Homesteading Vision: Motivations

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

In a few recent freedom challenge posts, my wife Aimee mentioned some of our motivations for moving towards the homesteading lifestyle. While Aimee touched on some of the things we want in our future life, I thought a more thorough discussion, to clarify the vision we have for our future, was in order.

What do Aimee and I want from the homesteading lifestyle? What does our life ideally look like in 5 to 10 years? Read along to find out! While this is going to be mostly from my perspective, Aimee and I are on the same page for most of these reasons.

Country HousePhoto by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Even before I met Aimee, I had been thinking about homesteading and running an organic or permaculture farm. I've long had a love for nature; being out in the fresh air surrounded by Gods creation just seemed to always make me happy. I believe the countless opportunities I had to experience and enjoy interacting with nature as a child primed my desire for a homesteading lifestyle. Unfortunately, like many people, the hustle and bustle of everyday life and working to pay the bills distracted me and kept me from moving in the right direction.

When I met Aimee though, I had a renewed motivation to homestead. She really was the woman of my dreams and I knew we would someday have a family together. I really envisioned us having a peaceful life, raising our children far away from the city and the craziness of it all. While it would be an uncommon path to travel, and some friends and family neither approved nor understood, I just felt like this was the right choice for us and Aimee agreed.

When I really think about and break down why, there are two sets of motivations behind my desire to homestead. The first set of motivations center around what I want in my life, lifestyle aspects to move towards. The second set of motivations are the negative aspects of life that I want to move away from. To end on a positive note, I am going to start with what I want to escape:

Negative Aspects to Move Away From

  • Regular Job - For me, there is something very soul sucking about working for someone else. To provide so much value and only receive a small portion in return, especially when your efforts don't seem to be noticed or appreciated, can really be mentally draining. To big business owners, employees are viewed as a replaceable cog in a machine and oftentimes that mentality is mirrored in their treatment of people as well.
  • Reliance on Established Systems - The power grid, natural gas grid, a low-quality and mass-produced food supply delivered just in time to the supermarket daily, are flawed systems to rely on. Not only are the costs of these services mostly out of your control they often come with strings attached which can be used as leverage points by people in power. Whether you are forced to accept a smart meter for using electricity or pay carbon taxes for natural gas the strings always exists. You might think that you use these systems but really they use you.
  • "City" People - While there are plenty of nice people that live in the city, there are just as many assholes. I find living in close proximity to these people to be stressful; bad drivers, dirty looks, traffic cops, meter maids, tough guys, nosy blue hairs with nothing better to do than snitch on you to bylaw for not cutting your grass (or for not have any at all). No thanks! I would rather walk alone in the trees.
  • High Cost of Living - Living in the city is expensive. Real estate is outrageous due to low interest rates and you don't even get much for your money anymore. The size of new house lots continues to shrink; where is the big backyard for the children to play in? I guess most people don't mind, their children don't play outside anymore. Water and sewer bills, electricity, natural gas, property taxes, food, daily commutes.... It all adds up. You end up having to work hard to pay someone else to provide your necessities.
  • Zombies - Everyone knows that the city is a death trap when the zombie invasion comes! Seriously though, I see major economic, social, and possibly environmental upheaval in the future. We can't continue on the trajectory we have been heading for the past 100 years. The system is eventually going to break and being in a densely populated area, without any of your own resources, puts your fate in the hands of others. During the great depression farmers were hit hard too, but they never went hungry.

ZombieAre you ready for the Zombies? / Photo by Darkness on Unsplash

Things I want to Move Towards

  • Fresh Air and Quiet - Currently, I work in the city but live in our tiny house on my parents land in the country. I can just feel my stress level rising as I drive into the city to work and dropping driving home as I get out on the open road. Where we live now isn't nearly as remote as where we are moving to. There is something beautiful about stopping to listen and hearing the birds chirping, the wind in the trees, or just nothing at all.
  • Being Near Outdoor recreation - By homesteading out in a semi-remote area I would be half the distance or less to the types of outdoor recreation I enjoy. Hiking, camping, hunting, fishing; all things that I don't do nearly as much as I would like to. If the distance I had to drive was significantly less, these activities would be much easier to sneak into my life more regularly.
  • Country Life for My Children - I don't think there is a better way to grow up than observing and learning from nature. Playing in ponds and creeks, catching bugs, building forts, and climbing trees are all educational experiences. Learning about and working with animals and trees, helping to grow the food they eat in the garden, would be rewarding tasks. What could be better? Certainly, this is preferable to TV and video games.

childrenPhoto by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

  • Growing Our Own Food - The food supply is increasingly saturated with low quality items and contaminated with toxic substances. We would know we were eating the most nutritious food if we had the space and resources to grow it ourselves, and it would be affordable too. Vegetables, fruits and nuts, raw dairy, and clean meat. I want to do it all! I know it is a lot of work but I think it will be worth it.
  • A Functioning Permaculture Farm - I guess I am very ambitious: I hope to, one day, make my income from the land itself. Modern agriculture uses up and destroys the land by eroding the top soil through annual crop production and cultivation and I believe permaculture has the answers to this problem. We can heal the earth and feed ourselves, it doesn't have to be one or the other. There currently just aren't enough examples of profitable, functional permaculture farms to convince most farmers of this possibility.. Hopefully, I can lead by example.

I think I am going to stop here for today. This is a very complex and important subject to me and I feel I can do better justice to it by splitting it into a few parts. Stay tuned!

Having our #dreamscometrue is possible for every single one of us. Do you want to turn your dreams into a reality? Then join @senorcoconut on his mission to rally the community into realizing their dreams.


Wow, pretty much the same motivation we have for choosing the homesteading path.

I remember when I was in high school, we had to write down what we're going to be in the future and I wrote to be a "rancher". In my mind, a farmer cultivating the land and raising cows.

Life happened and I veered away from that path to corporate now working our way back to homesteading.

You're blessed that your wife is with you on this as I am blessed that @iamstan and I are on the same page about living a simpler life.

Simpler is not easier though. We want to raise whatever we can and live off of the land, make our own cheese, yogurt, raise our own meat/fish, eventually to learning the art of making something out of leather and metal. He's already blessed with woodworking and I'm doing better at baking :)

There's so much to do to be self sustainable but it is all worth it. We both want our children to know all these and appreciate the work that it entails. And lastly, for our children to never have to work for someone but be business owners.

We hope you'll steadily work towards your permaculture farm. It is not ambitious at all, it is doable:) It is our goal as well and I believe we can make it happen!

Thanks! We seem to be on very similar paths. ☺️

While it would be an uncommon path to travel, and some friends and family neither approved nor understood, I just felt like this was the right choice for us...

You and the Mrs. sound a lot like us. Our family thought we were nuts when we moved 90 minutes away to start working on a little homestead, but as California became more and more insanely heavily regulated, we fled to N. Idaho (16 hours away). It was tough leaving our somewhat established homestead and starting over, especially since this time we weren't within driving distance of any family or friends, so no help with projects or watching the kids, but no doubt it was worth it! We started hugelkultur beds last year and my husband, @guntotnhippie , took a Permaculture course before the move so that is the direction we're headed with this new homestead. Looking forward to reading more from you.

Thank you! I am interested to see how everything turns out for you also. Hopefully a post or two on those hugelkultur beds...

This is a good vision, the only thing I would personally have problem with would be the meat part.

Me and my significant other hate living in the city and neither of us works a job that requires being here anyway, so we are looking at ways to move away. Unfortunately, it's not yet possible for us yet, but I do hope it's in our future.

Growing our own food would not really be our priority, but we would love to be surrounded by nature and to not have any people living in close proximity. Sofia is a filthy city to be living in.

Where is Sofia? I have not heard of that city before.

As for meat, my wife and I will probably never give it up but we do care about the humane treatment of animals which is why we want to raise our own. At least then we will know they are treated well.

Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria in Eastern Europe.

I agree homegrown meat is better than industrial one in every possible aspect, but I'm still firmly against it either way. I simply don't have the stomach for it (if you'd pardon the pun) anymore as I still feels it's killing a sentient being with willings and a clear will to live. And a home farm has an especially heart-breaking aspect, the animals get attached to the farmer and usually end up trusting and even loving them and that person then ends up taking their lives. It's like betraying the trust of a pet. Anyway, as I said, still better than industrial farming that's usually slavery and torture through and through.

You list a lot of really valid reasons for homesteading. Like your family, I am also moving towards this way of life. Hoping to get my few acres of land to homestead on sometime in the future. I wish you and your family great success as you embark on this endeavor to be more self-sustaining.

Thank you for the well wishes! I hope you make your dream come true also. It may be a lot of hard work, I know our journey has been, but it will be worth it. If you start blogging come back and let me know and I will give you some support.

We really are on the same brain waves... leaving the city (too many ass holes and the troubles that will come with "zombies" and so forth), more space, clean food, happy meat, a giant play ground for the kids and for us....

As always very inspiring for us as you are several steps ahead!!!! I want you guys to know that soon there is a stop-over place you can use on your way south if you ever come this way!

Dreams Come True my friend...and you've already figured that out!

Ok, ganna read the next couple ones tomorrow. Good night

It's great to have met some people with shared interests and goals. Steemit seems to be a magnet for my type of people!

Lol, it sure is!

In my opinion, being physical in this physical reality will always be rewarded, we need to forge through life and provide for yourselves. To be successful at this we must work closer with nature. By getting closer to nature we get closer to god... Of course my opinion. Thank you for the post! It is alway nice to read about like minded humans, not zombies or sheeple. This world needs more parents to take their children out toxic system that does nothing but make us more ill mentally, physically and spiritually. Keep it up I'm enjoying reading your post.

Thanks, I believe there is something to what you said about working with nature. I was just reading a comment on another thread and apparently it has been scientifically proven that trees give off some kind of energy that is good for humans. Definitely going to have to do some research into that.

Grounding energy maybe...

Maybe, I have no idea but I am curious now!

I love the way you framed what you’re moving away from and what you’re moving towards. Happy to see your journey unfold and you and your family realize your dreams.

Thanks. Hopefully at least a few things resonated with you.

Oh hell yes!

My wife and I started to 'blue sky' ideas but once we broke those ideas into actions we started moving. You seem focused and I bet you will soon find your homestead!

We actually bought the land already, but we still need to build a bigger house then the tiny one we have. I wanted to get into some of the back story of why we are doing what we are doing.

Sweet! I enjoy your posts so I look forward to watching/reading your posts.

I think the Zombies are the main reason!! 🤪

I think you’re preachin’ to the choir, Man. I would write more here, but I know I’ll get off on a tangent and write a novel! lol I’ll be watching for the next part of this. :)

Sounds good, you could always write your own similar post if you wanted to go off on a tangent!

I just posted the next one if you wanted to take a gander.

I might sometime if the mood hits me. lol

I will take a gander! Thanks!

excellent! good morning friend

thank you! Good morning to you also

Nice photo, i like it, thanks for sharing