This year my 'bean rocket' has gone totally nuts! At the moment it's leaning over a bit but it's too late to do anything about it now...
With the nice weather we are getting a good big handful of beans off every day, too many to use, so what to do with them??
When I was little my Dad had a MASSIVE veggie patch, and my Mum, with me and little sis 'helping' would slice andsalt hundreds of beans every year, just like my Nan used to do.
Salty beans are a family favourite at Christmas! And just happens to be my Nan's favourite veg -so you will see I've prepared two teeny one portion jars especially for her, she was thrilled!
Here's how you do it:
Get your sterilised jars and your table salt ready. To give you an idea of quantity - I use about a pound of salt to every 3-4 pounds of beans, but mostly I just guess it!
Top and tail your beans and slice thinly.
Start with a layer of salt, then put in about and inch of beans, then cover with salt, and so on. The salt will draw the moisture from the beans and thet will create their own brine.
Be sure to press the beans down tight and tap the jars to get the salt down between them.
Fill up to the top and make sure no beans are showing.
Put the lids on tight and leave for 24 hours.
After a day, you will notice the level in your jar has dropped, as the beans and salt create the brine.
Fill up the space with another layer of beans and salt, and screw the lid on tight.
Be sure to label the jars, and store in a cool DARK place. (It needs to be dark otherwise the beans will go brown)
Leave acouple of months while you enjoy some frrsh beans! These salty ones are truly delicious :)
When you do come to use them, DON'T soak them, or they will become tough. Rinse really well in a colander, and then boil.
I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Follow me @cake-lady-jen for top baking tips and recipes, I love to share my creations and knowledge with you!
With the nice weather we are getting a good big handful of beans off every day, too many to use, so what to do with them??
When I was little my Dad had a MASSIVE veggie patch, and my Mum, with me and little sis 'helping' would slice andsalt hundreds of beans every year, just like my Nan used to do.
Nice post
Amazing and will share to my She' a Bottler page, thank you.
Thanks @Christa, it's really easy process to follow x