Here is Mo, short for Molasses
She loves this makeshift 5 gallon bucket nesting box. I thought she and the other two hens might not like it at first, but after a few days they settled in. One day Mo and Doris, the alpha hen, were sitting on eggs together. They were so cute. It was a tight fit, but they looked cozy.

As you can see here
they have been productive. I stuck some golf balls in there too. I started that when they were little. I don't know if they help in any way, but it was something I read about, to give the young ones encouragement.
The back of the bucket
developed a crack during cold weather. I started to remove it, and install another one. Then I had an idea... just stick another one on the outside of the old one. It worked very well. The two layers probably added some insulation too.
I installed the bucket
in the beginning, by cutting a hole the same size as the bucket, with a jig saw. Then pushed the bucket through from the outside. It fit tight. I then added a couple of screws through the rim and into the coop wall. I fastened a 1x4 along the inside edge to hold in the bedding.
She looks happy!

and proud of her eggs.
Later, Cy
P.S. You ever have trouble separating 5 Gal buckets? They stick together so tight! It is enough to throw your back out, pull your fingernails off, and lead you to drink. When I stuck the second bucket on the outside because of the crack, it just stuck on by itself. I did not have to fasten it, and it has never came off.