
I am currently living my dream.

I am working in my field of training even now - for myself instead of for others.

I have a beautiful wife - life long dream.

I have a child - life long dream.

I have a real wood shop - live long dream.

I have an electronics shop - life long dream.

I have land in the country - life long dream.

I am off the grid - life long dream.

Yeah, I think I am doing nicely for myself.

When the grid goes down, you will be begging at my door for a morsel of food or water.

That's really sad to see someone so deluded, he needs to see a veterinary, there's nothing a doctor can do anymore!

Then leave.

If you dont like us or our videos

then LEAVE

Anything else is harassment.

I haven't forgotten you called a young lady I respect very much a rabid dog last week.
Im staying, you cannot tell me what to do you nasty filthy little man!
Go away I do beleve you are joined with the devil. He is in your soul!

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

We are not harming anyone.

Nobody is hurt in the making of our videos.

You have tried to harm me and my family for years now.

Your friends have set me up for crimes I did not commit again and again.

They are doing it even now.

If you do not like us or believe us simply leave

What you are doing is criminal harassment.