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RE: Future Homestead Tour of Our 7.5 Acres Raw Land [🎥]

in #homesteading • 8 years ago

Oh don't do that!! 😊

I would encourage you to make a list and things you want to do in your life, whether now or in the past. And find a way to do it!!!!!

In fact I am so passionate about this that I am writing an EBOOK about the subject...

It won't let me post the cover image but it is called GET OFF YOUR TAIL AND DO SOMETHING: How to Get Out of The Rat Race and Claim Your Freedom

I basically and saying this...maybe you won't be living on your land farming. Who knows, I may die tomorrow and never get to do this anyway. But I am make the most out of today that I can!!!

If you want to grow your on good, well maybe you can have a potted fruit tree on the balcony of a porch apartment. If you live in a suburban house then you can do a little more. If you want to eat better, learn to cook, learn to bake your own sourdough, learn to ferment foods!!!

I only say these things because I struggle everyday with depression and feeling bummed out. But everyday I have to remind myself, "THIS IS THE DAY that The Lord has made! Rejoice, and be glad in it!"

Please stick around with us, I hope to chat with you many many more times here. Thank you Verdonne!!!


I grow my own veggies, herbs and some fruit trees also have chickens in the city.....but to have a cow and do some serious gardening would be wonderful.