Liberty & Preparedness Series: #1. | What Are Your Emergency Preparedness / 72 Hour Food Supplies? Do You Have Your Stock Ready? Community Engagement Post!

in #homesteading7 years ago

I had to clean a few things up dealing with some stuff at the house tonight and paperwork.

In my travels around the Dutton Estate tonight, I always walk by some of my bushcraft/outdoors/homesteading gear and supplies and got me thinking maybe I need to run a series on such things.

Are you prepared food/water/gear wise for 3 full days?

I have touched on it a few times here and there of course but largely avoid it since as a high profile activist here over the years calling out the police state and related government corruption, they watch me and they have admitted it.

Why add to my file and make their overpaid jobs any easier to extort tax dollars and steal what is left of our civil liberties, right?

They are known to target people who like to be prepared... even though here is a complete search string, tied to government links and propaganda telling us to do it as citizens and be ready.


Government double-speak or stupidity.... Shocking, I know!!

Government Sponsored Links Advising Residents to be Prepared Yet Target Said Taxpayers for it Anyways

They are state sponsored gutless terrorists for the most part, paid out of tax dollars and so are in a complete conflict from a Liberty and Civil Rights perspective of course, along with a waste of tax dollars and whatnot to over regulate everything in life....

.... but they know that. I have told them all plenty to their faces, by email and on my YT videos inside and outside publicly paid for buildings.

I have blogged a lot about being out in the woods and bushcrafting and all that goes along with some of my homesteading and offgrid life and interests.

I've spent 300 nights outdoors in a hammock in a year, thru literally all 4 seasons, right up til nearly Christmas in Canadastan in the snow.

If your base layers and sleep system are layered, proper and accessible, with your wool of course LOL..... you can live outdoors pretty nicely despite what your fascist neighbours and bylaw officers might think as the police state and publicly funded Air 1 and 2 choppers fly a grid over your property.

Share with us about your ideas and gear and kits/supplies. Community Engagement Post!

Super Easy/Fast Picture Edits / Resizing at: and also
Series Main Image Source 1 Barry Dutton Activism
Series Main Image Source 2 - Emergency Preparedness

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.


My situation is a little different than most, thanks to a truck driver texting while driving, I am not physically able to bug out. I have no choice but to shelter in place. I have a decent supply of food, roughly 1/3 dehydrated, 1/3 store bought cans and 1/3 things I have canned myself. Plenty of water for 3 to 5 days, and a creek about 300 feet from my house, enough hose to reach it, a pump to pump it and a Berkey to purify it.

We have plenty of small game and I know how to live catch it so no ones pet will be harmed. Deer don't come in my back yard because of the dogs, but they come in the neighbors back yard and I have the ability to take them down.

If it goes even longer term, I have the ability and the seeds to grow more than enough food for my family and half the neighborhood if need be.

Not sure there is much more I can do to prepare at this point unless I figure out how to get new legs and eyes, lol.

Well, that is a great reply.

I was run over similarly on a quiet, dry day 2 yrs ago, this last week, I think the driver is lying and may have been..... distracted like with you.

It is in the courts now and I am fighting every day with half my body damaged.

Just know I hear you and I relate.

Sorry you are dealing with this now too.

Great reply, thank you!

I wish you luck in the court case and hate to hear you are going through it. Let me advise you to double check everything behind your lawyer. They do make mistakes and you are the one that loses when they do. I didn't get enough to pay off the medical bills because my lawyer made a mistake.

But, I was lucky being married to a Marine for 25 years. He was a truck driver and gone most of the time, so he made sure I knew how to take care of myself. He passed 2 years ago and let's just say, I won't go down without a fight. I don't have to be able to see the color of their eyes to hit center of body, lol.

I am watching his paperwork closer than he likely prefers, catching things here and there starting this last week.

When I am giving him info on things like SEVERE headaches and I see him not typing the words in the way I want, I stop him and tell him.

My strong suit has always been negotiating, watching details, paperwork, numbers.

All things involved here.

Your advice is good. And I love your comments tonite about the Berkey again LOL

I researched a LOT about them the last few years as a fluoride activist. I blog on the subject once a week.

I am still not 100% convinced on them, especially after the one or 2 really bad runs/years of the fluoride cartridges breaking at the seal level and leeching the water into the lower tank.

Seems to be that 1-2 year period only..... but that has stuck with me.

I don't use the fluoride cartridges because I get my drinking water from my brothers well. I use city water for everything else. But I would probably use them if I had to drink the city water.

But then again, I would probably just build a couple of solar stills. I have the supplies on hand to make a few of these.

Larry was making a couple on the side on days off and I sold them while he was on the road. They actually work pretty good. One, on a good sunny day, can purify enough to meet the drinking needs of several people for a day.

Except for the pollution in the air and the chemtrails


You had me at Berkey.


The Berkey was the first item Larry and I bought together after we married. It came before upgrades to furniture, cars and such, lol. I've used it daily for close to 27 years now.

A good subject to bring up. I have a lot of stored food, but only because I shop the sales and buy in bulk. Also, before I got the Steem vehicle, I had to space out my car use.

At the No Frills where I shop, there's a limit on specials. One way I got exercise was walking to the store, buying the limit, and going back again next day and buying the limit again. Saved money, got exercise.

Speaking of stored food, it'd be interesting if someone bought one of those 30-day supplies of dehydrated food, lived on it for a month, and blogged what it was like:

  • Taste: good? indifferent? can't get it down my throat? [Good to know in advance!]
  • Health & wellness: is it more unhealthy? more healthy? same?
  • Energy: does it drag me down? no effect? perks me up?
  • Weight: does it promote weight loss? weight gain? neither?

Yes, that'd be an interesting blog series.

Personally, I would love to do a series like that it is just a matter of money.

When I was writing this post, I honestly thought about contacting a couple of these companies, getting a couple people to vouch for me as a blogger and tell them I will give a 1 month overview of the product and how I feel along the way and turn it into a library.

I have a lot of connections in the outdoors/bushcraft etc communities so it is freaky to see you write something to me an hour or 2 later like this.

Saved money/got exercise. Yep --- well said also.

Get out of my head man LOL!!

All this stuff is high in sodium and high calories -- I have gone into the bush for a few days at a time, taken some of this stuff with me, etc.

My fav. is the lasagna.

No shock to most people..... it is like pizza in a bag LOL

My excellent post follows you I want to be a part of you

A unique post, delicious food you can share for me a little I really need it

Nice post,greeting from me

I grew up in earthquake country, then moved to hurricane country, so yeah, I've learned to buy in bulk and keep extra food on hand for emergencies, and just to take advantage of lower prices.

The State of California always recommended at least a 72-hour supply of food and water on hand, for household members and all animals, so I've always considered that as the minimum to keep on hand.

There are just two of us, so we can probably subsist just fine for at least a couple of weeks on the non-refrigerated food in our kitchen cabinets alone; longer if we were more sparing with portions.

My grandfather took us wilderness camping as a kid, and I've been a sailor and diver for years, not to mention a bit of a gadget geek, so we have an assortment of useful tools and skills to fall back on should the need arise.

Never been to California, and have never studied its weather, so this may be a dumb question, but what is the humidity level out there. With as much sun as you have, by keeping a few clear plastic tarps stored, you should easily be able to make a quickie solar powered water purifier and/or be able to pull and capture all the moisture from live green plants or make a make shift solar still to purify dirty water. I wrote an article 2 weeks ago giving instructions on how to build it. You can find it on my Steemit Blog.

I've actually done that before, as a demonstration on how it can be done. Pretty cool as an experiment, and yes, in a life-threatening situation, it can mean the difference between life and death.

Southern California is part of the Desert Southwest, so the humidity is typically quite low, but you can still usually come up with several ounces of water in several hours time; enough to keep you alive, but not enough for much else.

Florida, on the other hand, is the land of humidity, and it's not hard at all to convert a standard dehumidifier into a water purifier, extracting pure water from the surrounding air. And, typically, quite a lot of it, especially by comparison with Southern California.

Tennessee is between the two. We're still in the South, so summers are typically quite humid, and winters are quite dry. Of course, we have a reliable water source here, that is close to pristine, so it is less of a factor here.

I actually wrote an article for the Sand Key Sun, in Clearwater, Florida, on a number of different ways to purify and store pure drinking water in a pinch, after going through back to back hurricanes in 2004 (Frances followed by Jeanne).

We had actually expected to be more affected by Hurricane Charley, which was forecast to march straight up through Tampa Bay, but it hung a right at Port Charlotte and missed us completely. And Ivan, though it was a far more menacing storm, stayed out to sea until it came ashore far north of us, in the panhandle.

Frances and Jeanne were glancing blows, as both came ashore on the east coast and came across the state before they got to us, but they still did a lot of damage. During Frances, we lost half of a two-trunked Ficus benjamina tree outside our kitchen window, when the entire trunk was snapped in half by the wind.

During Hurricane Jeanne, the winds were blowing in the opposite direction, and the remaining trunk was literally aimed at our kitchen window; I said a number of prayers for it to survive the storm, which it did.

I was lucky, and only lost phone service, but I had close friends who were without power for weeks.

.... so I've always considered that as the minimum to keep on hand.

That is wisdom right there.

I have to give credit to my grandfather, and to my mom.
That's their influence, through and through.
Never leave to chance anything that you can so easily mitigate. Especially when others are counting on you.