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RE: Choosing The Ozarks - Homeschooling, Gun Laws, Raw Milk And Regulations 📷 [MY Video inside]

in #homesteading8 years ago

funny you guys would mention the shed your neighbor got to live in. I'm part of a fb group called Shed to House where TONS of people are doing just that, in order to get debt free and begin homesteading. My husband & I are fixing up our home to sell and plan on buying one ourselves, that actually has more square footage than our current bungalow house. We've found several that are built to the same codes or better than traditional houses, have warranties on the roofs, etc as well as low-cost payment plans that require no credit to do. The options are endless IF you can find an area with little to no regulations. Around here, despite some of those sheds being built to codes, our regulations won't allow them. We are actually considering land down your way too now bc of that. Thank you for sharing your info on the area. We greatly appreciate it. Oh...btw.. HSLDA keeps an up to date record of all the state homeschool laws and and any pending changes to them, including the forms needed and links to state sites for them. You can get a yearly membership at a discount or pay by the month for as little as $11 and have a lawyer for assistance, should you ever need it. Your channel's a great blessing. Keep up the great vids! Shalom!