Too Much Time On My Hands

in #homesteading7 years ago

It's been a while since I've posted.


Life is good, but sometimes change is hard.

After homeschooling our son for 12 years, he has graduated. He's now working and doing well. That leaves me with a lot of time on my hands. I didn't realize how much until the holidays passed.


It's not that I don't already have a lot to do. I've got the house to manage, the animals to care for, the garden to get's all stuff I love doing.


But now I have a desire to find something new to pursue. Something I haven't done before. Something that will complement what I'm already doing here @ home.

I really don't know what it will be, but I'm praying about it and getting feedback from hubby.

In the mean time I'm working on downsizing to half of what we currently have (we have way too much stuff), getting seeds started for our garden, and planning for our next batch of chicks (hoping for Easter eggers!)


The garden this year will be about 90% heirloom seeds. The exceptions are the onion starts, seed potatoes (which I got here locally), and cabbage and broccoli seeds I had from last year. I am ordering fresh heirloom cabbage and broccoli seeds to have on hand for fall. I'm almost to my 100% heirloom though! I really have to go through my seeds and purge a lot of the old seeds I have, most of which aren't heirloom.

Colossians 3:23-24 - And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

I know it's not too exciting, but that is what I have for now.

Until next time – live simply and love abundantly! Grace and peace...



Sounds like you have plenty of good things to do! A good healthy home to take care of.

Is Steemit not an option? Sharing knowledge (especially about homeschooling!) Maybe even doing homeschooling lessons that other homeschoolers could use!!

Good luck!



@annre welcome back to Steemit!

Welcome to steemit! If you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.

let me know and I can post an invite link here for you!

Sounds great!

Join Link:

Once in there, the main chat area is the Front Porch and there is also a Welcome channel for new members

Welcome - you must be very proud of your son being able to go out and work but the home feels quite empty doesn't it. Good luck finding your project :)

Yes, it does. It's an adjustment.