Its time to start planting some seeds!
I am planting some spring seeds today! I am 'sow' excited. I always make sheets of what I plant, and also where I plan on planting them in my gardens. This way I have a hard copy at home, a picture on my phone, and on my pc. This way, I am sure not to loose, or forget what is where.
Today I will be planting in a flat, and only using 60% of the tray. I will save the other 4 sections for another post, possibly tomorrow. I start by adding coconut husk, peat moss, and vermiculite. I moisten the soil a little for now, but not too much. I then take a pencil and make a little hole for the seed/s to go into. After I plant the seeds in their designated areas, I take some additional soil mixture and sprinkle over the top.
Here is a few follow ups from posts I did in the past week or two.
Morning glorys from seeds are popping up!
venus fly traps, still nothing yet
Thanks for looking at my post, I appreciate your time. Feel free to check out my blog @amos811
I am currently researching my seed planting now. I have never done it before, so I am looking for as much info as I can. My hubby @erodedthoughts sent me to you :) Thank you for the post and all the good info :)
I have tons of info, and I rarely keep my own advise. Half the fun is just having fun and trying new things out and experimenting. It is super easy, cheap, and fun too! I will be glad to help and share my knowledge with you anytime! The easiest way would be the SPL Discord, but I am sure @erodedthoughts already told you I spend as much of my free time there as I can :)
Cool, I will be in touch. Yeah I grew up gardening and I haven't done it for awhile, until last year. I really over planted my garden and it grew so big it was hard to get to everything. I learned a valuable lesson. I love that anyone can do it, as well. I can have my preschoolers and my teenagers out there helping and there is something for both of them.
Yes, he did tell me about the chat, but I haven't ventured there yet. I have a hard enough time with the baby and this :)
Nice, I should get on this!