Two weeks since the last list update and the homesteaders and preppers on Steem keep on growing.
The total has now reached 141 - up 9 from the last list.
And I am sure there are more out there that we haven't found yet.
The list of Homeschoolers and Unschoolers that is being developed in parallel to this list is now edging up into the mid twenties.
If you are a homesteader, prepper, permaculturalist, homeschooler or unschooler and would like to be added to either of the lists please comment below or message Pennsif#9921 on Discord.
And if you are interested in any of these topics make sure you check out these resources...
Homesteaders - Living Naturally, Newsletter. 27th March 2019
ALT.Life - A Directory of Alternative Lifestyle Communities on Steem @ 19 March 2019
Here is the new list. If you are a homesteader or prepper of any shape, size or flavour and would like to be added to the list just post a comment below or message me on Discord (Pennsif#9921). Or likewise if you know anyone you think you should be added.
If you can help by resteeming the list to get it seen by those in your networks that would be great. Thank you.
Homesteaders and Preppers on Steem @ 31 March 2019
- Matthew Anthonio @matthewtonyit , [ Nigeria ] [ Feb-2019 ]
South Africa
- Buckaroo @buckaroo , [ Western Cape ] [ Mar-2018 ]
- Craig @craigcryptoking , [ South Africa ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- steemlegend @steemlegend , [ Central Java ] [ Dec-2016 ]
- Muy Bien @bien , [ Philippines ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Nanay Romeskie @romeskie , [ Philippines ] [ Feb-2018 ]
- KnightTemplarAus @galenkp , [ Australia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Alison Lee Cousland @allyinspirit , [ New South Wales ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Quoc-Huy Nguyen Dinh @quochuy , [ New South Wales ] [ Feb-2018 ]
- ligayagardener @ligayagardener , [ South Australia ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- minismallholding @minismallholding , [ South Australia ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- RiverFlows @riverflows , [ Victoria ] [ Mar-2018 ]
- b & g handmade @bghandmade , [ Bulgaria ] [ Jan-2018 ]
- Borislav Dimitrov @bobydimitrov , [ Bulgaria ] [ Dec-2017 ]
- Freja Fri @frejafri , [ Denmark ] [ Mar-2018 ]
- Natalie Miller @jkiw , [ Germany ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- Silvia Beneforti @silviabeneforti , [ Italy ] [ Jan-2017 ]
The Netherlands
- Irene The Machine @irenethemachine , [ The Netherlands ] [ May-2018 ]
- warfsterveld @warfsterveld , [ The Netherlands ] [ Feb-2019 ]
- Dr. Apis @drapis , [ Portugal ] [ May-2018 ]
- Anatoliy @astrizak , [ Kaliningrad ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- Purple Moon @purplemoon , [ Granada ] [ Oct-2017 ]
- Aishlinn @trucklife-family , [ Granada ] [ Oct-2017 ]
- Felander @felander , [ Switzerland ] [ Jul-2017 ]
United Kingdom
- eggmeister @eggmeister , [ UK ] [ May-2017 ]
- Prepper Veteran UK @preppervetuk , [ UK ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- Survive UK @surviveuk , [ UK ] [ Oct-2018 ]
- UK Prepper @ukprepper , [ UK ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- Digital-Dan @digitaldan , [ England ] [ Mar-2018 ]
- Geordie Prepper @geordieprepper , [ England ] [ Dec-2016 ]
- Pennsif @pennsif , [ Wales ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- pumpkinsandcats @pumpkinsandcats , [ Wales ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- welshstacker @welshstacker , [ Wales ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- erikaflynn @erikaflynn , [ Ukraine ] [ Jan-2017 ]
- Alex E.B. Trapp @ecoinstant , [ Colombia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Ledis Arango V. @ecoinstante , [ Colombia ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- Ecuador Homestead @ecuadorhomestead , [ Ecuador ] [ Dec-2017 ]
El Salvador
- galberto @galberto , [ El Salvador ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- David Koblos @stortebeker , [ Mexico ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Nacho Papanoza @volksdraggin , [ Quintana Roo ] [ Sep-2018 ]
- cecicastor @cecicastor , Nicaragua ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Cody @codypanama , [ Panama ] [ May-2017 ]
- Quinn Eaker @quinneaker , [ Panama ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Canadian Renegade @canadianrenegade , [ Canada ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- OffgridLife @offgridlife , [ Canada ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- robmc @robmc , [ Canada ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- xwalkran @xwalkran , [ Canada ] [ Jan-2017 ]
- Carey Pagé @carey-page , [ Alberta ] [ Jan-2017 ]
- Harvard to Homestead @harvardhomestead , [ Alberta ] [ Dec-2017 ]
- WhiteWalkingFeather @wwf , [ Alberta ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- frostyamber @frostyamber , [ New Brunswick ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Walkerland @walkerland , [ New Brunswick ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- amymya @amymya , [ Nova Scotia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Brendan Bowes @hendrix22 , [ Nova Scotia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Lyndsay Bowes @lyndsaybowes , [ Nova Scotia ] [ Sep-2016 ]
- Earth Mother @earthmother , [ Ontario ] [ Oct-2017 ]
- jackdub @jackdub , [ Ontario ] [ Jan-2018 ]
- ewasteguy1 @ewasteguy1 , [ Saskatchewan ] [ Jun-2018 ]
- porters @porters , [ Saskatchewan ] [ Jun-2018 ]
- Tanglebranch Meadows @tanglebranch , [ Saskatchewan ] [ Oct-2017 ]
- thistle-rock @thistle-rock , [ Saskatchewan ] [ Oct-2018 ]
- ajain @ajain , [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- Arte Della Vita @artedellavita , [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- CroSheille @crosheille , [ USA ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Brandon Holsey @grow-pro , [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- knowledge-seeker @knowledge-seeker , [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- steemmatt @steemmatt , [ USA ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- Stonewall Strategic @stnwllstrtgc , [ USA ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- SugarCreek Homestead @sugarcreek , [ USA ] [ Jul-2018 ]
- tdre @tdre , [ USA ] [ Dec-2017 ]
- AnAmericanHomestead @mericanhomestead , [ Ozarks ] [ May-2017 ]
- Elew @elew , [ Rockies ] [ May-2017 ]
- The Tinker Tribe @makinstuff , [ Alabama ] [ Sep-2016 ]
- alaskatactical @alaskatactical , [ Alaska ] [ Jan-2018 ]
- Lymmerik @lymmerik , [ Arizona ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- BLUER than Green @bluerthangreen , [ Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Theo aka Rainbow Man @hippie-witha-gun , [ Arkansas ] [ Mar-2018 ]
- Papa Pepper @papa-pepper , [ Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Love,Cat @creationofcare , [ California ] [ Mar-2017 ]
- MarianneWest @mariannewest , [ California ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- Eagle Spirit @eaglespirit , [ Colorado ] [ Nov-2017 ]
- hippygirlco @hippygirlco , [ Colorado ] [ Feb-2019 ]
- Phoenix Wren Velitas @phoenixwren , [ Colorado ] [ Sep-2017 ]
- Nancy Moral @nancymoral , [ Florida ] [ Dec-2017 ]
- Sandy @sandyh , [ Florida ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Basics To Living @basicstoliving , [ Georgia ] [ May-2017 ]
- The Liberty Hippie @bpangie , [ Georgia ] [ May-2018 ]
- SquishySquid @squishysquid , [ Georgia ] [ Nov-2017 ]
- Wholesome Roots @wholesomeroots , [ Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- fishyculture @fishyculture , [ Idaho ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- MyHomesteadEducation @myhomesteaded , [ Idaho ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- recipesfromthehom... @homesteadhippy , [ Indiana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- tecnosgirl @tecnosgirl , [ Indiana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- goathollow @goathollow , [ Iowa ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- JustaFarmer @bowentroyer , [ Kentucky ] [ Jan-2018 ]
- thefarmerswife @thefarmerswife , [ Kentucky ] [ Jan-2018 ]
- Amber @amberyooper , [ Michigan ] [ May-2017 ]
- E=M3 MakingMetalMine @em3 , [ Michigan ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- GoldenD's Homestead @goldendawne , [ Michigan ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Homestead Dad @homesteaddad , [ Michigan ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- The Citystead @thecitystead , [ Michigan ] [ Sep-2018 ]
- Tilly'sFamilyFarm @tillysfamilyfarm , [ Minnesota ] [ Feb-2018 ]
- Freedom Point @freedompoint , [ Missouri ] [ Oct-2017 ]
- freedom to write @freedomtowrite , [ Missouri ] [ Oct-2017 ]
- Mountain Jewel @mountainjewel , [ Missouri ] [ Nov-2017 ]
- bushkill @bushkill , [ New York State ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- dansgardening @dansgardening , [ New York State ] [ Feb-2019 ]
- Senor Coconut @senorcoconut , [ New York State ] [ Oct-2017 ]
- Sunscape @sunscape , [ New York State ] [ Sep-2016 ]
- Green Acre Homestead @greenacrehome , [ North Carolina ] [ May-2017 ]
- hopfarmnc @hopfarmnc , [ North Carolina ] [ Dec-2017 ]
- Jacob Peacock @jacobpeacock , [ North Carolina ] [ Jul-2018 ]
- PPM Silver Cosmetics @ppmsilver , [ Oklahoma ] [ Jan-2019 ]
- rakkasan84 @rakkasan84 , [ Oklahoma ] [ Aug-2017 ]
- ELAmental @elamental , [ Oregon ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- goat-girlz @goat-girlz , [ Oregon ] [ Jul-2018 ]
- Mean Bees @meanbees , [ Oregon ] [ Feb-2018 ]
- Mean Rooster Farm @meanroosterfarm , [ Oregon ] [ Jul-2018 ]
- sagescrub @sagescrub , [ Oregon ] [ Dec-2017 ]
- FixedByDoc @fixedbydoc , [ Pennsylvania ] [ Nov-2017 ]
- solarparadise @solarparadise , [ South Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- L & L Farms @llfarms , [ South Dakota ] [ Jan-2018 ]
- Crescendo of Peace @crescendoofpeace , [ Tennessee ] [ Nov-2017 ]
- Marx The Rabbit @marxrab , [ Tennessee ] [ Apr-2017 ]
- Ted Goodwin @tedgoodwin , [ Tennessee ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- andiekins @andiekins , [ Texas ] [ Dec-2018 ]
- Daddykirbs @daddykirbs , [ Texas ] [ May-2017 ]
- Everitt Mickey @everittdmickey , [ Texas ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Nate @nateonsteemit , [ Texas ] [ Feb-2018 ]
- Quinn Eaker @quinneaker , [ Texas ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Kelly @ofsedgeandsalt , [ Virginia ] [ Jun-2018 ]
- Professor Bromide @professorbromide , [ Virginia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Southern Va Patriot @timmo3663 , [ Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Arbitrary Kitten @arbitrarykitten , [ Washington State ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Fleming Family Farm @flemingfarm , [ Washington State ] [ May-2016 ]
- Mama Dini @mamadini , [ Washington State ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Wild Homesteading @wildhomesteading , [ Washington State ] [ Jan-2019 ]
- mtnmeadowmomma @mtnmeadowmomma , [ West Virginia ] [ Dec-2017 ]
- brewcitygardener @brewcitygardener , [ Wisconsin ] [ May-2017 ]
- Celestial Cow @celestialcow , [ ] [ Jan-2018 ]
- Donna Davis Art @donnadavisart , [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- eco-alex @eco-alex , [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- newprepper @newprepper , [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- preparedwombat @preparedwombat , [ ] [ Apr-2017 ]
[ graphic by @pennsif ]
Yes @altlife, please add me to your homesteaders list! Thank you! @Lymmerik
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hey thanks for adding me.
!sneeze 😛
You have been infected by the King of Disease!
Will you quarantine yourself?
Or will you spread the plague?
Excellent compilation. Thank you for the service!
Thanks so much for adding me to the list of the homesteader. I'm so happy to join this great group list. I also want to join @tribesteemup thanks.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for adding me.
Posted using Partiko iOS
What a great list @altlife! I followed everyone on it. :)