Sirih plants used as seeds is the result of pieces of betel stems that reach 40-50 cm long. Better stem can you plant along two books. The rest you can tie on the back of the tree.
Another way that can be done is by cutting long vines that are quite mature at the base. Betel leaf contained in the vines removed, then spiral is divided into 3-4 parts. After that, plant the tendrils flatly.
After the tendrils have roots, from the vines that had just three tendrils that you tie to the back and let the tendrils grow up to the top.
Treatment of Betel Plants
Like other plants, betel plants also need to be treated in order to grow well and healthy.
In addition, if you can do the treatment on betel plants, then from the plant will get a good harvest betel with good quality.
When all the treatment process is done well, then the branches, twigs that hang under the armpit of betel leaves will grow well too. Well, this is the part that you will be able to harvest.
Betel is actually very sensitive to exposure to sunlight. the color of the leaves will turn greenish yellow and if you chew betel, it will be more spicy than the others.
In contrast to the previous, betel plants grown in the shade of the leaves will be a little longer, slightly limp and the color is fresh green. If you chew it tastes not too spicy.
In addition to sunlight before, the type of fertilizer that is actually used also affect the flavor of betel leaf. You should use a fertilizer made from chicken dirt that is cold.
Later, the leaves of betel plants are fertilized by using chicken manure manure will be a light yellow. But if the fertilizer you use is a fertilizer derived from cow dung, horse or buffalo, leaf color will be produced later is the old yellow.
Harvesting of betel plants
Harvest of betel can be done after the plants are 12 months old. Maximum betel production will be picked if the betel plant has grown to the end of the tree in the make as a backrest.
You can harvest leafs that come from hanging tendrils that are as many as 3-4 segments. Harvesting process should be done in the morning when the condition of the leaves is still fresh.
Here are the benefits of decoction of red betel leaf:
1. Coronary heart disease
Red betel treatment method for heart disease:
Provide 3 pieces of red betel leaf. Provide 7 pieces of cubes. Seed steamed is a plant that grows on the island of Java and many used as spices or also called Java pepper. Benefits of this spice is very much for the health of the body. Provide 3 onions. Provide some cumin pepper.
after that mix all the ingredients above into the container to be ground. After really fine add hot water nail pain. And let stand for 10 minutes new squeezed for water taken. The juice can be taken twice a day on a regular basis.
2. Diabetes mellitus disease
The way of processing red betel for diabetes mellitus is to provide 3 pieces of red betel leaf. Then wash it thoroughly and put it in the container. Enter three cups of water and boil until boiling. After that strain, boiled water can be taken sabanyak 3 times a day before eating regularly.
3. Acne medication
The way of processing red betel as acne medicine is as follows:
Provide 10 pieces of red betel leaves.Giling leaves are not until smooth.Seduh with hot water then wait until the new cold water washed on the face of acne. Do it regularly once in two days.
4. Treating toothache
Way of processing red betel leaf for toothache is to provide 3 pieces of red betel leaf and boiled with two glasses of water. After the stew one glass of water then filter the cooking water, wait until it cools then gargle - gargle with boiled water. Do it until the pain of the tooth disappears.
5. Breast cancer drug
How to process:
Provide 10 pieces of red betel leafSupply also the stem taken from red betel leaf Enter the ingredients above into the container to boil Drink boiled water is 2 times a day on a regular basis
6. Eliminate body odor
The way to eliminate body odor is to provide five pieces of red betel leaf. Then boiled with two glasses of water. After only one glass of filtered water to take water and after cold can be drunk.
7. Treating prostate disease
The way to treat prostate disease is to provide five pieces of red betel leaves to boil with two glasses of water benefits that have many uses. Then after staying one glass of water filtered water to drink. Drinking twice a day on a regular basis.
8. Treating cough
The way of processing is as follows:
Provide 5 pieces of red betel leaf Provide two leaves of bidara. Bidara leaves have small features. height about 15 meters and has branches. This leaves live in dry places. Provide Honey. Rebuslah with three glasses of water with 5 pieces of betel leaf mixed with two leaves of bidara.Saring boiling water after cold add honey to taste.
This boiled water can be taken twice a day on a regular basis for a cough solution.
It is said that this thing can be addicted to a lot of food?
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