
Thank you!! Anyone you're thinking of nominating?

Sorry it has taken me so long to find this reply. how do you choose! There are 3 or 4 I really enjoy reading. perhaps @borrowedearth, or @crowbarmama. @bowentroyer They are both newbies like myself. I found them browsing through the feeds the other day. Give em a peak. Well, Throw me in the pot as well, @warpedweaver lol

I will add ALL three of you to my list. This is an on-going weekly thing I am doing. SO everyone will have a week and chance.

sounds fun. thanks. I have been wanting to ask you if there are other badges or things I can use with my posts. I love my Holler out badge, Where do I find rules on that sort of thing. Thanks in advance, I know you are really a busy girl.

You can use ANY badges in your signature line. Homesteadersonline has one like mine for the DIscord group.Or you can ask @daddykirbs - he has made badges for many of us

thanks for the info. Enjoy the rest of the day

Awwwe... I just saw this. Thank you @warpedweaver for the nomination. I am glad you enjoy.

congratulations @borrowedearth. Yes, I do enjoy your posts. Keep up the great work girl