Fostering A Gardener: Week 2- New Gardener Is Chosen


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Fostering (Adopting) A Steemian Gardener

The other day I had mentioned in a post that I would be starting to foster a gardener as part of my Spreading the Stewards Of Gondor love.

Here is the original post introducing the initiative as well as some nominations made in the comments. There is still time to nominate yourself or another gardener. This will be an on-going list as each week I will be fostering a new gardener until the list is complete; which I don't want to have happen, so please make sure to keep the nominations going!

Fostering List

Your name is here for self-nomination or another steemian nominated you:

@borrowedearth (1)
@warpedweaver (2)

Fostering? How?

Just like my Embracing A Steemian that I do on Sunday, I will be working with, offering support (whether with post ideas, formatting questions, or whatever the gardener needs advice on). The fostered gardener will also receive 100% UPvotes from me throughout the week.

There will be some requirements of the nominee.

Qualifications for being FOSTERED:

* MUST post EVERY day for the week (Tuesday through the following Monday)- consistency is key

  • While dedication and consistency are important- it has been brought to my attention that there are MANY members who are dedicated, but with spotty (rural) internet connections, band-width issues and various other legitimate concerns, posting every day may become an issue. So I have taken this into consideration for the "fostering" initiative challenge.
  • One post you make a day will be UPvoted at 100% by me. **NOTE: Consideration that if you cannot post daily, I will still UPvote SEVEN quality posts. So if you post two quality posts one day but none the next two days, you will still get the guaranteed 100% UPvotes.
  • MUST have less than 500SP (of their own, delegated SP does NOT count towards the 500)
  • MUST have a minimum reputation of 35
  • YOU MUST accept this challenge in my weekly Monday post if I have called upon you
  • Topics MUST BE gardening, herbs, flowers, planting, greenhouse, etc (you get the picture here)
  • You MUST have established the gardening topic(s) within your page already; where I can see the gardening posts are what you're writing about.
  • You MUST BE available in Discord for some one-on-one tutoring or Q&A time.

Fostering a Gardener runs from Tuesday through the following Monday EVERY week.

The first Fostered Gardener is @warpedweaver


PLEASE make sure TO ACCEPT this initiative and that you are available on Discord for one-on-one chats!

Once you have accepted this challenge and made a quality post, you will see this in the comment section indicating that I have fulfilled my end of the fostering.

You have been chosen to be my Fostered Gardener Of The Week Thanks to @fulltimegeek's delegation as a Steward of Gondor @goldendawne will be here for you to assist, guide and help you GROW- just like your garden- on steemit. Please accept this 100% Upvote for this post. You will receive a 100% Upvote for every post (up to seven per week) you make for the seven days CONGRATULATIONS on being a committed steemian!

When you are chosen to be fostered and your seven days' worth of 100% UPvotes ends, that doesn't mean the fostering stops. I will continue to chat in Discord with you for as long as needed. I will always make myself available to those I have fostered.

I also want to thank @borrowedearth, my first fostered steemian for all the chats on Discord and for the continuation of chats we'll have!

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You continue to rock girl, Thanks for being you again

through the following Monday)-

nice gardening . i really like gardening. Its my hobby also.

It started out as a hobby for me also but soon turned into so much more.

Love what you're doing here, and the encouragement you are spreading! Whereas we have only a small part-time urban "homestead," reading about others and their efforts offers lots of inspiration!

Bright Blessings!

Thank you! We actually have quite a few urban and suburban homesteaders in our HSO Discord group. It's amazing the diversity of geography we have in the group.

Nice idea..keep the good work..

Thank you! I saw you just joined the HSO Discord group! Great to have you there

Just to support the idea ! Hope there will be plenty entries !

Me too! This is an on-going initiative and I will continually add new members as they come in and get nominated.

This is very cool.

Thank you! I am all about helping. I know when I first joined I was lost.. so very lost

Congratulations @warpedweaver!

Thank you @goldendawne, I most definitely learned new skills and time-saving shortcuts while being fostered this past week. Having your attention and vote has gotten me to step up my game. I am investing back into my SP as my Feb plan.

Let me know if I can assist you with helping those you are fostering, my learning continues.

Lol...found this hours after I thought it

There's a special message for you HERE...

This looks like a good idea. And kind of like gardening journal that may come out after the posts are made :)


Congratulations @warpedweaver and that's an amazing view!

Oh my! I have a hard time keeping up with everyone and everything sometimes. What an honor to be chosen. Wow.. Thank you @goldendawne and @fulltimegeek. Sounds like I better get cracking! :) I haven't spent much time on the discord channel, but I think that will change today. :)