Bless you for commenting at least, and ya I hear you about the challenges with dealing with Pinterest. Because my daughter has kids in her school that have peanut allergies, they are not allowed anything that has nuts in it. She also has kids with egg allergies, kiwi, and the list goes on. Yes I could send just the bread and let her assemble and make the sandwich, I do suppose that is a great idea. Here in Canada, they do not get Recesses. They get 2 breaks during the day. So she gets on the bus at 8am she gets a nutrition break for 40 minutes at 10:20 which the first 20 minutes is for eating and the second 20 minutes is for outdoor play, so the kids are rushed outside by the teachers, and if they have to put on snowpants and boots etc, they take that time away from the eating time, so no time to slap a sandwich together. Then at 2:10 is the next nutrition break, again 40 minutes long with 20 to eat and 20 outdoor time. So she can never really win with eating at school, as there is just not enough time to eat. They are not allowed pop, chocolate or candy either in their lunches, not that I let her eat any of that but the rules are yucky. They are not allowed to have food in the classroom like to eat and apple while they are at their desk is not allowed., the day for them finishes at 3:10 and she is home off the bus at 4:00pm, so that is a long day for her to go with only 40 minutes total to eat all her lunch. OH the struggles....
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Yup my daughter has one of those kids in her class, epipen and all. She loves Peanut butter sammy's.
Oh my what a challenge! Im afraid i cannot think of anything to help.... seems like your stuck between a rock and a hard place. I cant believe they dont let peanut butter in the schools! I mean i get it but how many kids go digging in others lunch boxes? Seems like they could provide a separate table for those kids with allergies so there was less risk. And to rush them to play when they need the nutrition to focus and learn.... ugh is right i would be furious! Kuddos to you for keeping your head! I would have made a butt of myself at the school.