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RE: A Problem With GMOs Few Know About

in #homesteadersonline7 years ago (edited)

Which is why I encouraged people to do their own research. Your link just links back to my article? The stats you site are all over the internet they are pro gmo propaganda. They even claim we need GMOs to feed the world yet millions are still starving and glyphosate (roundup) use has increased as weeds build immunity and farmers use more of it because the GMO herbicide tolerant plants can withstand more of it..


Being widely available on the internet doesn't make them pro-gmo propaganda. However, assuming you are correct, why would 80% of US corn farmers switch to GM corn if they didn't see at least some improvement? Why would they pay for seeds and thus lower their yield and profits multiple years in a row? If I was a farmer and I saw my profits go down after using GM corn I would just stop using it.

I never said that's what made them propaganda. The fact is they are propaganda and they are all over the internet. Why do you assume your assertions are correct? Where are your cites?

For sake of argument let’s say you are correct. It shows the power of the propaganda in convincing farmers to switch. They usually go into debt with promises of greater ROI so they can quickly pay it off. When it doesn't pan out they are stuck like crack addicts going into debt every year to buy new seed and all the chemicals it taks to grow them like chemical fertilizer, herbicide and pesticides since they are forbidden to keep seed or their crop does not produce fertile seed, and try and make ends meet. Not to mention the bullying tactics and even legal attacks farmers get who want to grow real food and save their own seed. Many of whom have been sued when their neighbors GMO crop cross pollinated their non GMO crop. Many of them do quit...farming altogether.

Monstanto has bought Judges who ruled against farmers saying they had to pay the fees for patented seeds when through no fault of their own their crop was contaminated by neighbors GMO crop. Thats outrageous! Why do most farmers have off farm Jobs? Because they aren't making any money farming!

You really need to dig into this to see the underhanded tactics they have used and the scope of the propaganda campaign for them to gain control of the seed and food market and create the chmica market. There aren't many family owned farms left most of them sold out to big corps because they could not get ahead. Some of them stayed on to run their farms but they are forced to use GMO and all the chemicals.

We are heading for a catastrophic disaster in the food supply as they continue to kill the soil and raise nutritionally deficient and toxic crops through chemical farming. I’m not going to continue to argue been there done that to many times with folks who want someone to do it all for them instead of taking responsibility for their own health and welfare and what actually ends up on their tables and in their and their children’s bodies… do your research if you really care.

You’d think most people would figure it out with all the rampant diseases these days that were almost unheard of or rare 50-75 years ago…