Some Changes Around Here!!

Hi y'all!! We have been enjoying a slower time of year here at Kindred Acres. While it has been nice and slow we have not stopped completely. We have taken the time to align our thoughts, desires for Kindred Acres, and to make plans for the up and coming year.

We created a new Instagram page to streamline things. Before, I had been using my own personal Insta but now we have one dedicated specifically to Kindred Acres. We felt our followers would appreciate that and it also makes it easier for new followers to find us. Take a look at our new page and if you'd like, we would love for you to follow! :)

We have also added a new team member to our homestead. Ramla Lanewala!


She is super talented in the area of art and henna. She is knowledgeable in farming and growing food. She is sustainable minded and a grounded/connected person. She is also very organized and dedicated to getting things done. After just one meeting we managed to come up with a great game plan together for the next two months, created a calendar, and we set the plans into motion. I can see we will work well together as a team.

We have also added a few new items to our Etsy shop and plan to add a few more in the next month or two.

Stay tuned for even more updates and posts to come soon!
Thanks for checking us out!

With love
-Kindred Acres

With lots of love
-Kindred Acres

If you find our blog posts and videos helpful or inspiring and would like to provide a love offering to Kindred Acres for all we do here, you can give us an upvote/comment here on steemit, give us a thumbs up on Youtube, or you can gift us an item from our Amazon wishlist! :)

We greatly appreciate your help and contributions!Another option is to send any financial contribution ($1, $5, or whatever you are compelled to leave) via

Check out our Etsy shop for live plants, seeds, homestead goodies, crafts, and other options!

Follow us on Facebook to get notified of any upcoming events Upvote us on Steemit to show us some love and support!!

Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and hit that bell on our YouTube channel!!

And finally,

Follow us on Instagram!

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