Stinging Nettle as an Herbal Medicine

in #homestead7 years ago

Stinging Nettle (SN) is an herb that seems to grow everywhere in the south EXCEPT my property so I had to buy plants from the local farmers market and make my own Stinging Nettle herb garden.


I first heard about SN from a herbalist on you tube named Susan Weed. She is AMAZING! I absolutely adore her! She is full of herbal knowledge and has a way of teaching that has me begging for more.

IMG_1306.PNG Photo from her website

Ms.Weed explained in her video how SN was an anti-inflammatory and would be great for arthritis. (Well, I not only have arthritis but I also have Lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease and my type affects my tissues, tendon, joints, and muscles. It causes SEVERE inflammation within my body and pain you couldnt imagine. The prescription drugs are horrible and the side effects are worse than the disease itself so I've turned to Herbs and essential oils to manage my flare ups.) SN is also a diuretic, laxative, antiseptic, astringent and much more.

The SN was something I had to try. Since my plants were just babies I also ordered dried SN from Mountain Rose Herbs to use for a homemade tea. After a week I could tell a difference in my level of soreness. It was less and I could bend my left knee completely when I couldn't before. I now drink SN tea anytime I feel a flare up coming on.

My plants are now towers and I can harvest my own leaves for tea, soups, or to "sting" my swollen fingers. Now when I say "sting" I mean an actual STING! It hurts! It feels like you have been lightly stung but within a couple minutes my swelling will start to go down and the soreness will lessen.

I highly recommend researching the benefits of SN and how it can help you. Susan Weed also has books that she has written about Herbs and how they benefit your body. I bought Healing Wise which dedicates a whole chapter to Stinging Nettle.

Another great herbalist to research is Rosemary Gladstar. She to has written many herb books and offers a correspondence course on herbal medicine. She also has several videos on YouTube.


Having an alternative way to help your pain, sickness, or everyday scrapes and scratches is very vital on a Homestead. Definitely plant an herb garden on your property and if you live in an apartment you can always grow these Herbs in container!



Lovely post, it got me to wondering if i will be able to get some SN, here in Australia. I will have to look into that. My hands and shoulders give me some problems. Slows me down a bit , especially in the winter like it is now. lol.. Real hard to clear the forest on my homestead when my hands start playing up. Thanks for this post. : o)

Definitely look into buying seeds if you can't find the plants.

Very good information!! I started studying herbal medicine back in the 90s when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I am to a point in my health that I cannot tolerate most commercially produced medicines and find the herbal remedies are a great relief. Thanks so much for your post, I will have to check Susan Weed out on you tube. Up-voted and re-steemed. Have a wonderful day my friend!!

Thank you! Definitely check her out she's full of information.

Love nettles! I even stir fry the tender leaves. :)
Thank you for sharing.
Lovely day to you!

I'll have to try that. 👍🏻 Thank you! Have a great day!