A Few Projects Getting Done

in #homestead5 years ago (edited)


This is a run we put in for grape vines I wanted to plant this season. We will put in a total of 10 vines on this run. Each vine can produce around 25 lbs of grapes a season which is a good amount and they are also bunches which makes them easy to pick. Just having one line and not a fence or hardware mesh like I see many people doing makes it much easier to clean up the vines at the end of season when cutting back and not having to pull it out of all the fencing or mesh.

We are also putting in other stuff this year. We are moving the local persimmon trees, which grow everywhere on our property, into rows on the outside of our fences along with planting orange trees between the persimmon trees down the rows. I picked up a nice little peach tree that will be planted out back where a large tree use to be where it can grow nice and full producing a nice yield each year. It is already even at its smaller size covered in peaches.


I also have picked up some nice size blue berry bushes to plant and a fig tree. I am excited to get everything planted so next season I can start taking the cuttings when I prune them and try to start new ones that I can move all over the property to produce a large amount of food. We are in the process of fencing around the property and starting to use all the space for some type of production. Just like with the grape vine I had a few extra feet off the side of the fence in that area where nothing but grass I would need to cut would grow so instead I decided to put the grapes in. I am going to try these same type of 12G hi tensile lines with other plants also like blackberries, raspberries and even maybe a 6ft tall one for tomato plants to tie up. These lines are rated for 1500 lbs of weight and if needed when the lines get full I can always install new wood post or temporary post just to hold the weight.

We have space on both sides of the 32 ft shed we use for fodder and worm bins. This space is starting to be used for growing. I have my large orange tree and half a dozen banana trees on one side that we want to make a small little food area and plant our okra, jalapeno and other citrus in this area and then on the other side we have started putting in 4ft by 12ft raised beds. I will end up putting in a total of 5 of these beds when I am done and one is full and growing right now with cantaloupe, lettuce, green beans, peas and butternut squash. I am going to be finishing the others soon which will give us a nice amount of produce in just this small area up front and as we clear and continue to run fences we will keep using any extra space for things like blackberries or even the paddle cactus that grow so easy here and go great grilled with eggs.

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I like the idea for your grapes.

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