Food Security Sustainability; Working Towards That?

in #homestead6 years ago

It is an undisputed fact that Food is inevitable in our everyday lives. So the question is what are you doing towards sustaining food security or are you less concerned on the subject matter?
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Oh, Do you fall in the category of individuals who feels after all one doesnt need to contribute it's quota towards achieving that, since I can just purchase food items from the market.
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Well, Most rural dwellers predominantly are farmers and they tend to be the only reliable source of food providers. Few amongst them embrace mechanized farming, most are peasant farmers,not as if they choose to be but due to enormous factors impeding their choice, fund which stands as a major setback.

It is quite pertinent that we all play our role towards sustaining food security in our little confines. Owning a little garden where crops e.g vegetables, etc can be grown, trust me it isn't going to be a bad idea.

Am proudly an agriculturist,till next time.


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