
Yes, I agree practical life skills are very important and often all but ignored by our current culture. I do a lot of life skills, and some student led learning, but I found my kids picked the same topics over and over again. When I introduced them to other things, they then became interested in those things. I think there has to be some basic knowledge of something in order to spark the curiosity needed to desire further study. I still find this idea of balancing the person intriguing, and also feel that we ignore the life skill of how to have a good conversation, which in a way could perhaps be similar to the ancient practice of teaching dialectic.

Yes I agree a good point. However my gripe with our parrot learning system is that everyone is apparently the same. Kids are taught to repeat fact and figures and not investigate them or discover things for themselves. Through my schooling I was a visual learner with Dyslexia, this meant I was not normal and did not conform with the said system therefore I was lacking concentration and ability because the system we are told we MUST learn by was not suitable. Even today 20 years on children who have learning difficulties or even require a different type of learn are basically wrong. This system takes away individuality and character making everyone the same, its outdated, controlling and lacking diversity :)

You are so right on all these points, and I completely agree with you. This is one of many reasons parents turn to home schooling these day. A kid who learns a little differently can flourish with a little creativity in how things are presented. My oldest has visual processing problems and although I did not choose to home school because of that, I have met many over the years who have. The school system is just not giving their kids the support they need. Yes, the system needs to change, every child deserves more than the current system provides.

Discussion is the first step things a re changing. Lets hope these thing pick up some momentum