in #homeschooling4 years ago (edited)

How to motivate your kid to study?

It's one of the most popular questions among parents, especially among homeschooling families. There're different approaches and tons of advice How.

But I have my own reply - Nohow:) I mean - no motivation is needed!
Just sincere interest of a kid!

Parents don't need to seek for reasons how to make kids study, they just must make it interesting to them. So easy. But so hard at the same time.


My experience and my son's example.

I have a homeschooling boy. He is 5,5 and it's high time to study reading and writing.
All parents whom I know pay for tutors and special kids' organizations where they are taught all these things.

Sos, fire, urgently!
Kids must read and write ASAP or... What? Moms won't be able to brag among other moms how clever her kid is?;) here it is exactly to the point.

I don't share this panic. He doesn't want to write at 5, ok, he will write at 6, when he is more ready for it.
When it's time, it will go easier and faster than just making a kid do it without his wish.

Moreover, the way parents and teachers choose are awful.
Just buying a special writing books and making kids write every day. So boring... Omg...

in the last line we see how tired from this boredom my boy was;))

I had to try this way to be sure it's a fail. I tried. My son wrote some pages in such a manner, and he hated doing it. I stopped it at once. Boring methods aren't our way.

I started thinking how to make it more adventurous...

My boy was watching a cartoon about pirates and treasures. And after it he asked me to play a pirate game with him.

Ok! But pirates need a map to seek for treasures at a lost island. And I proposed him to create this map.

All pirates need a map, are you a real pirate, right? But to make the map clear you must write definite main points of pirates' ship stops.

And my boy was so excited! His eyes were full of interest and desire, and without any arguing he started writing letters! And I was surprised that he remembered almost all of them without my help, though we even didn't finish that exercise book with letters.

We even added a sword, a compass and beads (trerasure) to make our game more real;)

He wrote: Start, Island, Volcano, Forest, Сave, drew his ways to treasures and sticked some pictures to the main points:) Though as a rule he doesn't like not only writing, but even drawing.

When he was interested, all his abilities and memory activated and he wrote words by himself, I only needed to spell it slowly for him to let him hear all letters distinctly.


He was so happy he had a real map, and I was happy we found a great way to practice writing - an amazing game where a kid will want to write them by himself!


This was pretty much how we did it as well, much easier for everyone XD

Did have some books because my oldest actually really, really wanted to learn how to read and write but his brain simply refused to get it until it was good and ready (when he was 8-9) despite our best efforts and many tears XD

Now more importantly, did you manage to find the treasure? :D

This is reassuring to hear! Our eldest is 6, soon to be 7. He has a desire to read and can do basic phonics so we go with his flow but I still sometimes worry that maybe we’re not doing enough to encourage.
But once he’s ignited by something he NEEDS or WANTS to read then we see a flurry of activity.

But I’m a believer that people develop at different stages.

Eldest was the same, he picked up basic phonics alright but blends stuffed him forever. He got there eventually, is not an avid reader but easily reads novels and whale bludgeoners chunky textbooks when the mood strikes.

It can be hard to know when to push and when to back off because you don't want to back off too much (especially if they're the cruisy type who would really much rather avoid hard things), but you also don't want to push too much (because it's way too easy to ruin a thing they would otherwise enjoy because you were too pushy). And you won't get used to knowing when to do anything because it will change tomorrow XD

exactly! when they need or want smth - they do it fast and easy!

sure! do you see golden beads! here they are!:))
did your boy started writing and reading at 8?
I don't think general norms are important, all kids are individuals, and we must help them develop in their own manner with their own speed, help doesn't mean making them doing smth.
The same situation is with pronouncing letters. All moms here are crazy about it. Me - not;)

Guess my eyes and brain didn't want to work together XD

Yep one day everything just clicked.

People like averages because they're easy to work with, and then I think get too addicted to them and freak out when something isn't average (which is most things because averages are exactly that XD).

This! 😍

There's no need to rush our children. They will learn and do when they're ready. With lots of loving motivation from us, parents, I am sure they will.

thank you for support!
no rush -exactly;)

I love this. Excellent thinking with the pirate theme!
This is exactly our philosophy - when writing is useful to him, then he does it.
If there is a desire to write, then he will. No pressure.
Same with reading.

You’ve inspired me to do more activities like this! Thanks

thank you so much!!
I am happy I've found support here;)
shopping lists of things he wants - a cool idea you have! I like it!
next step for me - write what you want me to buy in the shop for you;)

Like, for example?

Writing short notes/letters to friends, shopping lists of things he wants.
Copying names of his favourite Pokemon.
Often if he is angry or cross he writes words of how he is feeling or what happened to make him feel that way (when he can’t talk to us)
We do projects here he labels items for props he is going to use.

We try book based activities but he doesn’t engage at all with them.

Oh, OK. Thanks. Here in CZ the focus is very much on nice handwriting, so unfortunately quantity is more important, and by the end of the first year they're expected to know how to write small and capital, printed and handwritten. Basically there is no way I could compete with that at home... 😞

Are the kids happy?

Noooo! Like, they want to go to school, god knows why, I think to be part of that, and some of it is curiosity, but there's resistance to the idea of homeschooling, partly because we don't know too many people here/or have family so they school is their community, for better or for worse. Not my choice. They also go to after-school activities....

Прекрасный пример!!!
Возможно, исскуство радителей в том, чтобы поймать желания ребенка а не пытатся создать это желание самому.

точно) и дать ему расти и развиваться по-своему, а не как мы хотим