My Rock Collection and How I Collect Rocks

Hello, my name is Joshua. I am The Homeschool Kid.

Today I am going to show you my rock collection and how I collect rocks.

This is my rock collection.

I have:
1 Hematite,


1 Milky Quartz,


1 Pink Granite,


1 Amethyst,


5 Clam Shells,


3 Ash Rock,


1 Sandstone,


and 1 Cowrie Shell.


This is my rock collection.


This is how I collect rocks.
It is hard to find rocks other than sandstone around here because there is so much of it. Some of the best stones were given to me by my grandma who bought them in a gift shop during a vacation. I found the ash rock and the sandstone on our property.

This is a story of how I found a giant shelf of layered sandstone.




I invited two of my friends to help me look for rocks. We looked for about half an hour but all we found was sandstone. So, then we got permission to look on our neighbor's property. We found what we thought was a giant slate shelf. But later we learned that it was not a giant slate shelf, it was just layered sandstone, but still a good find.

Stay tuned for more posts from The Homeschool Kid.
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I am also a rock hound - especially for various crystals. A wonderful hobby. I have visited giant rock pyramids and sculptures created by the ancient Mayans and I thought - "If only rocks could talk!" What stories could be told...


Cool! I Have A Small Rock Collection Myself! Good Post!

We loved the layered sandstone you have and tried to bring a big piece home but it broke

I began collecting when I was your age, now I have a few more, but you have a great start! Learn as much as you can about each one you have. Rocks tell you a lot about the land, where ever you are. You may be able to find fossils in the samdstone. Keep on posting! :)

Your rock collection is very cool!!! I love it!♥ I also like to look for rocks but all i can find is quartz.I also home school!