Life is crazy! and What to do when school fails your child...

in #homeschool7 years ago


Good morning Steemians!

Boy, I don't know if it is this time of year, or just this season in my life, but I have not had the time to devote to Steemit that I would have liked.

This morning I was planning on making a post on making lotion... or homeschooling.
Hadn't decided.

But I checked my facebook page, and in a local group, there was a lady with a problem. Her daughter was being mercilessly bullied in school, called racist names, molested by a fellow student, and treated poorly by her teachers.
In third grade!
Apparently no one would help her. She wanted to start homeschooling and did not know the laws or where to even start.

So, rather than spend my morning on Steemit as I was planning, I spent the morning helping this young lady, informing her of her options and getting her set up with reading material, so she could learn and figure out what she needed to do. Lucky for us, the homeschooling laws in Georgia are simple and easy to comply with.

My heart bleeds for people like this.
The school system nowadays is broken.
This kind of thing happens all the time.
It is not even surprising anymore.

I wish more people realized that they have options. They do not have to allow the government to take their kids and do with them what they will.
No offense to teachers out there. I personally know public school teachers who get very offended that I would say anything against the public school system.
I also know of teachers who would never put their own kids in school. They homeschool them!
Public school teachers have their work cut out for them and I have nothing but respect for them.

That being said, the system is broken.
Many are choosing, (and rightfully so, I believe), to remove their children from it.

Have a blessed morning all! Thanks for reading!


I agree, the system is broken and our politically correct society will never be able to face, much less properly address any of the problems. Good on you for taking the time to help another parent out and show them the ins and outs of homeschooling.

Thanks. She is determined to get her kids out of there and stop the nonsense on her own. Says she wishes she had done this years ago...

This brought back bad memories for me these things happened to me on school and my mom pulled me out and home schooled me in 5th grade . My daughter has thankfully had a much better time but I’ve longed to homeschool so I started this last year. I’m glad she’ll never go through these thing

Congrats! I think homeschooling is the BEST!
You can tailor her education to suit her needs, and you know for a fact nothing bad is happening to her.
Once it happens, you cant undo it...

Also I am sorry that bad things happened to you in school...
I had quite a few bad experiences and things happen to me that I would never want my kids to go through, so I was happy when my mom pulled me out of school. Never wanted to go back, haha!

very nice,very good post it gives a good lesson to the readers

Haha thanks!