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RE: Considering Home-School: Why It Was The Right Choice for Us!

in #homeschool8 years ago

Haha sounds like my little girl! We're lucky that we live in an area where homeschooling is popular. For next year we're considering enrolling our kids in a local homeschool co-op where they teach certain subjects and get extra socialization. Otherwise we participate in lots of free events at our library and through 4-H.
I think even if your daughter goes to public, simply supplementing her education with the things you excel at - art, reading, the others you mention - could be an awesome bonding opportunity plus it would provide enrichment. Though I know it's so hard to do if both parents are working full-time! We know parents who are both at work until 5pm every day and then spend the rest of the weekday evenings shuttling their kids to different activities only for everyone to get home at 8-9pm. I don't know how they do it!! Or when they eat dinner together, or when homework gets done. That lifestyle just doesn't sound all that great to me!


Agreed!! The balancing act is.....tricky. Yes, if our little one goes to public school we plan on doing all those "supplemental" things for sure. And, I think getting outside is so important. We try to do a lot of that, and will in the future. :) That is AWESOME you have access to 4-H activities, homeschool co-op. If your kids end up going to the homeschool co-op, I'd love to read a post about how it works, what they do, etc. Thanks!