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RE: Considering Home-School: Why It Was The Right Choice for Us!

in #homeschool8 years ago

Wow, thanks so much for this insight. We have numerous kids in our community that homeschooled. We even considered homeschooling our boy too but unfortunately it's not an option at this point in time. Maybe in the future though ;)
I definitely agree on the screen time issue!! Kids are over-stimulated and thus can't sit still and be "bored" anymore - big problem!!
Thanks for the post :)


I agree on the "bored" thing - I think being bored is an important thing for kids these days! My two kids (13 yo son and 8 yo daughter) get along so much better now that they are forced to interact instead of being able to constantly escape into their own worlds. They solve problems together and even help each other with school work. It's very rewarding to watch!

Wow, that's amazing to hear!!
I really do wish you guys all the best with the homeschooling 👍🏻😁 I'm also agreed from ur post and also despite the many benefits of educating one's children at home, there are some disadvantages to home schooling. The most significant disadvantage is the amount of sacrifice it takes, physically, emotionally, and financially. Time is needed to prepare and teach lessons, organize outside activities and field trips, and schedule opportunities for the home schooled child to nurture his friendships and develop his interests. Home schooling parents do not have the luxury of having time for themselves while their children are at school. This almost-constant time together can at times seem suffocating, and may not work for some families.

And that is one of the main reasons we have not been able to as yet...

Yes's bro true!!

Yep, the disadvantages you list are the ones I am most struggling with! Time by myself in the garden helps a ton!