
Hi Greg. Thank you. What's your intention with the reading list, to be an informed lay-person or study homeopathy with a view to practice?

I would be leaning more towards practice

Fabulous! The world needs more homeopaths. 'The Science of Homeopathy' by George Vithoulkas, 'The Organon of Medicine' by Samuel Hahnemann, '50 Reasons for being a Homeopath' by J Compton Burnett, 'Magic of the Minimum Dose' by Dorothy Sheperd ... that should get you started ;)

Thank you very much, that's the kind of stuff

Couple other questions..
What's a start up supply list and cost wise?

Supplies you mean the remedies I use? I just send the patients directly to the homeopathic pharmacies to buy the remedies. Start up costs are almost zero... my insurance is very cheap ... all you need in a laptop & an internet connection! Obviously I've spent thousands on books & training over the years, but you could do it all with specialised software for a few hundred dollars. Now ask me how many qualified homeopaths are able to earn a living? I'm the only 1 out of my graduating class of 64! 95%+ are never able to build a practice

Yeah thanks for that info, I guess I would need to research and see if we have such a pharmacy around here... My goal is for family and friends... I know with the chronic medical conditions I have, I'm tired of surgery, and meds with a side effect list longer than my arm... With insurance costs and co pay, I have family and friends that suffer greatly simply because of money..

If you are in the US there are lots of pharmacies that will supply to you. Hahnemann Labs in San Fran for example.