Solving Bedwetting - The Deep Sleeping Child

in #homeopathy7 years ago (edited)


Bedwetting is more than just waking up in a wet bed. It’s also about waking up feeling disappointed in yourself, waking up with a daily knock to your confidence, waking up thinking this is never going to get better.

I treat bedwetting quite regularly with homeopathy.

Here’s one case I treated recently –

This young guy has always wet the bed. Every night without fail. He toilet trained really easy at age 3 but just never managed the nights. He is a really deep sleeper. This is something that comes up time and time again with bedwetting. Being in such a deep deep sleep that the normal response to wake just doesn’t happen. He sleeps so deeply that he doesn’t even wake when he’s wet.

Some of the other stuff going on with him – he sweats and grinds his teeth at night. He is also very active in his sleep and moves around the bed a lot! He has enlarged tonsils and is prone to tonsillitis occasionally.

The mum had tried lots of remedies. She felt he was a ‘typical pulsatilla child’ as he is very whiny, and always crying over something. But he is an extremely brave child and can be even fearless at times. The Pulsatilla didn't help.

Another remedy that whines and moans is CALC-PHOS. This remedy matched other characteristics about this guy (enlarged tonsils, fearless, active in sleep). And it was a good match. He responded initially with 2 dry nights. The parents were delighted. Then it slipped for 4 days. I was confident in my choice of remedy so I told them to stick with it. Then in the 2nd week, Boom! it began.

He went dry for 21 nights!!

Then he slipped again. Moved him on to the next strength of Calc-phos and he is dry since. Treatment started 2 months ago and he is doing really well. (I’m now treating his mum and brother).

I received a video message from him. Thanking me for helping him and telling me how happy and confident he felt. Wonderful xxx


Bedwetting happens in girls too.

Here’s a case I treated two years ago with an older girl.

This girl is happy, confident, successful , plays loads of sports, has loads of friends, does great in school.

But wets the bed. Again, this is a lifetime thing and guess what? She is a really really deep sleeper.

The parents have tried lots of different approaches but none of them helped. She has had a few kidney infections in her life. But really healthy otherwise.

So I gave her a couple of remedies. The first was TUBERCULINUM 200 as it totally matched her personality and all her characteristics. Tuberculinum is another great remedy for bedwetting. I also gave a very low dose of CHLOL 3 daily.

I didn’t see her for 4 months after that. She became dry within a couple of days and stayed that way. Then they went on holidays and she slipped again.

I repeated the Tuberculinum 200 and increased the Chlol to 9c daily over 3 weeks.

I didn’t see her for 6 months after that. Then she had 1 or 2 nights wet and they were concerned that she was starting to slip.

I repeated everything over the course of a week.

That was 8 months ago and I know she is still going strong. (I’m now treating other family members). Her mother said it has made a massive difference to her. She now goes for sleep-overs which she didn’t before. She often whispers “still dry” to her mum in the morning and her mum says she just beams every morning.

Bedwetting can be helped with homeopathy. I’m always happy to chat with anyone who is considering this natural and effective approach. Please contact me for a chat.

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Excellent. Two really nice stories there. Fascinating for me as a homeopath and very encouraging for any kids who are still struggling with this.

@sallylloyd I agree. It is always fascinating how one thing 'fixed' can have such an impact

Its good to hear about potential options for my son has a bedwetting situation. I just need to figure out which one to choose based on his personality. Thank you.