Two years ago a young homeless man suffering from drug addiction wanted to speak to me. He was lost & lonely, so I bought him a meal and spent a few with him.
Often times the people with the least to give want to give the most because they understand suffering...
At the end of our brief time together I was sad to see him go and I was concerned about what was going to happen to him on the streets.
I voiced my concerns and he just he smiled and pulling a pen and small scrap of paper from his pocket he wrote me a quick poem. My time with some of Australia's most dispossessed was very enlightening and deserves more analysis on my part.
After two years of carrying this paper around the world I just found out down the back of a bag and I have been thinking about his words all day.
Here it is:
let go of what you don't have,
and give what you do..."
He was right!
You can see the amazing community I met him in here (it's worth a watch!):
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank & loves @canadian-coconut, @chron, @mammasitta, @samstonehill, @sift666, @v4vapid
The note should be etched in marble and kept where one would see it daily. I envy your humble gift...and thanks for sharing it with us!
Don't envy mate it's not healthy for you! But I know what you mean! Thanks! 😉