Homelessness explained. Why do people become homeless? Why are there so many homeless people?

in #homeless7 years ago

There's is very little information out there about homelessness so I decided to write several guides on homelessness.

I've spent over a year being homeless collecting data in order to solve most of the common problems a homeless person faces.

In this guide I'm going to cover the basics of homelessness check out my other guides for more detailed situations.

So let's get to it, why do people become homeless?
This is what manufacturing assembly lines used to look like.

This is what they look like now...

While it's becoming more difficult to find jobs, I would not blame the current crisis on the fact that automatization is putting countless people out of work alone.

Some people like me, have made a conscious decision to become homeless.

Other people make bad decisions which cause them to become homeless whether it stems from ignorance, lack of education, drug problems, etc...

That being said being homeless is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It is not a pleasant experience.

I don't want to minimize anyone's experiences, maybe you had a bad experience with your family at home and you chose to leave home which has resulted in you being homeless.

Maybe you lost your house in a flood, who knows I'm not here to judge you.

There are countless reasons people become homeless.

The more important and more difficult question to answer is how to prevent homelessness. Otherwise we end up with this....

Why don't homeless people get jobs and get out of homelessness?
The reality of it is that most homeless people do get jobs, many of them work multiple jobs, however it is a bit more complicated then what most people would like to believe.

Being homeless is a full-time job. homeless people will migrate to areas which are more suitable for living. This is a good indication which shows that these people are in fact willing to better their lives and progress.

What's the best way to get out of homelessness?
Start reading my other guides.


Good photo- where's it from? This topic is terribly important, we have never been homeless, but poor as we are, have time and again done what we could to help an occasional homeless person, or someone just in need of such help.
What I find most upsetting is the kind of crap many cities and towns will pull to control the "undesirables", blocking community kitchens, shelters, and aid distribution efforts.

Thank you. They are from google :)