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RE: War of the junkies. Getting help for being homeless

in #homeless4 months ago

I am not a fan of leaning on glorified gangster fagets and their slave masters to force an idea.

When I say decriminalized I mean that, with each person, to mind their own business and let them do what they want with their own bodies. So long as they don't hurt others. Since government is an organized use of force, only force they will use. Since only force is their answer for everything because their gangsters, they will tax everyone, by force, for doing the work you want by force, and with threat of force, they will get their way. All under the superstitious pretense that they have the permission of the public. Whilst at the same time, the public as individual do not have the moral right to force ideas onto others, they went to do some bizarre ritual and voted, petitioned, protested, and other begging of their masters methods.

They counted the exact amount of rights they have to force what they want to the world, which is NONE, ZERO ZILCH, AND some how by magic, they elected someone to do just that onto themselves and everyone else who voted other or didn't vote at all and to non consenting individuals, they don't care. It's blind arrogance turned to 11.

That's crazy to me. I don't want nothing to do with that cult. The cult called statism.



I also want to add that even if it gets legalized or made legal, "they" will benefit the most out of it. "They" control the governments. Always has been that way.
