Holozing: Top contributor, milestone and gamifying my rewards process.

in #holozing9 months ago (edited)

Well, if the game has not started, gamify the claiming rewards process.

I have decided to enjoy my reward claims journey. Started my holozing journey quite late. Despite that being the case I have been enjoying my movement from where I begun as a contributor and where i am currently seating on renking list.

Started the journey in the 660s and now at number #329 on the chat. Positive development is i may say for someone that started late and knowing holozing is a global scale given the sistribution of where hive users reside. A move like this, signifies i have accumulated more than half of the people i found that where numbers ahead of me . Yesterday I was at number 330. I thought I was going to be there for a while, seeing that I have have moved a step lower is intriguing and a fire started to attempt positioning myself for more accumulation of zing.

I could have done better had I kept my posh tockens. I decided to allocate them to otherprojects, I cannot see in my wallet . Purely an OCD issue I have to handle, if not an emotional issue that needs urgent attention and has to be uprooted from my syestm. If i am to grow as a crypto investor. Seeing tockens in my wallet makes me feel some kind of way, largely thinking they could be in better places than them being idle, even though i knew the posh tockens where getting me over 100% in rewards.

The move from 660s to 300s was quick because I went all on the different ways of accumulating zing that are currently offered
, and providing liquidity to pools which is currenly at 268.76%.
This I did with joy knowing the potential of zing in tje long run and purely, being a fun of making sure all is set and I don’t find my self trying to get started when the game is released. Reducing the list of where the monies will be distributed is the goal to archiving a sweet spot on time. When the going gets going at game release date

have some faith joe! Lol

Currently I am getting rewards from delegating HP of a 2k stake

, which has been a great and consitent rewarder and the stake of tokens as they accumulated that is now at 3k plus and counting as it accumulates at 58.30%.

. I started out with a thousand zing which has tripled in the passed couple of days. As the bonus rewards are indicating it has not been a month yet.

The zing token had reduced to .005 from .006 from the time I got it. However the community has grown tones from when I started the journey. I believe the game is going to thrive. My first play to earn game was a pockemon themed game ,Dogemon go. I enjoyed playing it. Despite not gaining much. I feel holozing is going to be more fun, given the community backing we are going to have a lot to laugh and no doubt the drive and determination of the team behind it is going to eventually find that sweet spot, that’s going to keep us rocking not only as a bloging community but a gaming community whose game is an enjoyable one. Possibly get us out of our chairs and get us exercising, earning more, move to earn point while battling in different ways that the game is going to offer.

Getting back to gamifying the rewards accumulation process. The reduction in the price is not pushing me away but enticing me to accumulate more and see a better figure as a top contriby. I am going to start by attempting to accumulate posh tokens, by sharing on web2 platforms and then purchasing more zing tockens for better growth through staking. Won’t a double digit look good on me. 3 sounds too high for a person as expectan as i am. On the future of this game.

On a sad note I am not an artist, meaning I will pass on drawing something in the creative challenge. But I love raving and talking about the project. I might just add blogging to my gaining mode and convert every reward onto zing. Clearly the game is going to be an amazing one amd the upside is going to be crazy as adoption increases and people staft fomoing into the game when the green seriois green candles start poping up.

Hope everyone is finding their sweet spot and enjoying the process as the game is slowly coming to its release date, whenever that will be. For now enjoy every bit of accumulating and pushing for more rewarding you.

see you at double digits. The work has just began