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RE: White People Attacked At Black Panther Movie? @Hodgetwins

Ya'll are pretty funny!

After I fell asleep in Thor: Ragnarok, I pretty much decided superhero films can wait for Netflix. Black Panther is getting a lot of positive press. But, while I thought Get Out was good, I didn't think is was as good as the Rotten Tomato score of 100%. So, my feelings about this film right off the bat, is that it is probably not as good as the ratings. The very fact that is does feature Africans and not much European looking people and it gets a top score from the SJW cesspool is a red flag for me.

The funniest thing about this film to me is the country Wakanda. I like that's it's hidden, but the irony of them not allowing emigration and being a breakaway civilization kills me! (In a good way). Have not heard a SJW decry the evil of Wakanda's anti-emigration and tech hoarding policies. Which basically makes Wakanda and it's rulers, (hereditary monarchy by the way), a bunch of dicks.

But it also makes you ask, where the hell was Wakanda when Rwanda had the insane genocide in the 90's? Bitches! Reach out and save some people! That's what we do in America...oh wait...Wakanda...made up....never mind. (But yeah, the Rwandan genocide was real and well...Wakanda is not).

Also cracks me up that Black Panther was created when, if a super hero was of African descent, then somehow the editor felt the word "Black" had to be worked in. DC has Black Lightning. And don't even get me started on Black Racer.

The point that is funny about this video is that your brand, HodgeTwins, is already huge on YouTube. Therefore, you represent the EXACT main stream media that Steemit was created for. We oppose main stream media opinions. And your brand seems to thrive off of them on YouTube. Which means, on Dtube and Steemit, the mainstream opinion or carrying over of main stream claims are invalid.

And, pretty much everyone on Steemit and Dtube have had it with YouTube, twitter, Google, and all the censorship and promotion of politically charged films.

So did white people actually get beat up at the Black Panther film? I couldn't find evidence. But I was using main stream sources. And there are some dipshit fuck heads out there who goose step pretty hard, so I can see how this would be made up.

Regardless, Hollywood is a tool of the same people who wanted Hillary in office. And well, seeing how it's obvious they are not going to get their New World Order now, Hollywood films will be even more politically charged as people wake up to the years of manipulation. And very specifically, the manipulation is left vs right, (and people woke up and voted in an independent, even though he calls himself a Republican), so now George Soros and his NWO minions are trying to create a race war.

So do I want to see another swirling mass of CGI garbage that is doing it's best to make some kind of political statement when in fact it is about a xenophobic dictator in a cool looking suit?


Hello, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and Black Panther was cool and if somebody is from Africa, they are black. You call them black. Why not? Is it racist to call a black person a black person? Likewise, is it racist to call a white person a white person? And are you more for nationalism or for open borders?

Its racism to call a man black and then treat him as an inferior. White people have superiority complexes to the moon and back. Ive seen them mistreat brown, chinese, black and red skinned natives and no one gives them this behaviour back.
Ive even seen people who point out caucasians for racism being called racist instead for calling a white man a white man. Needless to say the issues of the oppressed are not addressed. The KU KLUX KLAN is the only organisation in the world that bullies people based solely on the melanin in their skin. There is a problem here, you people just dont wanna see it