Once upon a parallel reality...

What if every thought you make changes the future?

Have you ever considered multiple reactions to an event that was in your #consciousness?

#Quantum theory seems to indicate the possibility of being in multiple places at the same time, perhaps, even in multiple dimensions!

Imagine that for a moment.

Every thought and inclination you have ever had, may have actually happened, whether in this reality, or another.

When we dream, are we not experiencing another dimension?

There are authors who have, upon awakening, remembered a reality, that seemed to them at the time, like a #lucid dream.

Imagination is a powerful force within us all.

Think about it.

Every physical thing that we have today began as a thought, that was transformed into a physical substance.

Can we shift realities by shear will?

Can we change the world by changing how we think?

Hasn't it been stated by great minds in the past that as we seek to change ourselves, we are changing our world?

Aren't we all, each of us, the ONE in the mirror?

There are those who teach us that everything in our individual consciousness, is because of us.

Everything around me is my creation.

I created my reality, for my purpose.

Therefore, I am responsible for everything that I am experiencing.

Whatever I am aware of, is because of me.

Each consciousness is the same.

We are, because We Are.

My Ho'oponopono training tells me I am, because I Am.

Therefore...I say to myself:

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I love you.

On to the next...

Be well.