My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community.

in #hivewatchers3 years ago

Post in Spanish
& English


Hola amigos de Hive, antes de comenzar el post, quiero preguntarles ¿como estan? me alegro de que estén bien, bueno aquí para pedir disculpas sobre algunos posts en las cuales fueron copiados y pegados de información y no di créditos a las respectivas personas, no cometeré ese mismo error en el futuro.

Hello friends of Hive, before starting the post, I want to ask you how are you? I'm glad they're okay, well here to apologize about some posts where they were copied and pasted out of information and I didn't give credits to the respective people, I won't make that same mistake in the future




Realmente lo siento, no cometere este error nuevamente, estuvo mal sobre no da creditos a los respectivos creadores o personas sobre la información, para la proxima daré los creditos, tanto imagenes e información y etc.

Y disculpo realmente comunidad de Hive.

I really feel sorry, I will not make this mistake again, it was wrong about not giving credits to the respective creators or people about the information, for the next one I will give the credits, both images and information and etc.

And I really apologize for the Hive community.