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RE: @deragedvisions is sending me off hive

If you really have been reading and following @opeyemioguns, you would have noticed that he was spamming the same apology post almost 60 times. Maybe you should have commented on one of those posts and guided him correctly because when I tried to explain that he was continuing the spam and copy/paste posting that got him in trouble with Hivewatchers in the first place, he didn't listen to me and continued it.


No only the link to the post hivewatchers commented on is the one I used to add, and hivewatchers said its 60 posts I must make, are you the hivewatchers?

the writings are not words for words and that's not what they call warning, warning is by words but you keep downvoting my posts even the ones that are not apology posts . And for your information I'm out of the blacklist cos I've completed my 60 posts, you can check hivewatchers reply to your comment under my post you downvoted

Maybe I should have, but I didn't.

I am commenting now.

This is a real person who uses HIVE as a real world user.

How do we proceed from here?

If he doesn’t spam shit posts like he has been, he should be fine. But he seems too dumb to comprehend he was literally spamming the same post 2-3 times a day.

No I post an apology post just once in a day.
watch what you say, I'm not dumb!
The only day I posted twice was on 30th of September when I contacted hivewatchers on discord and they gave me another guide on how to make the apology post so I have to report again