New visit to the Quebrada de Tusmare

New visit to the Quebrada de Tusmare

Greetings dear community, I am very excited because today marks the 20th post to be reviewed by @hivewatchers to get off the blacklist I am currently on and I hope after the review this chapter will be closed and I can continue forward with my projects and publications that I have brought to you for 4 years.


But I am not here to correct what has happened in the past, I am here to talk about a new visit to the Tusmare ravine, which I visited last week and today I had the opportunity to go again this time with a group from the municipal council from El Hatillo, Municipal Police, Civil Protection and some residents of the area.


The objective of this 1 and a half hour tour was to survey and inspect the state of the stream and the Petroglyphs that I showed you in the last post.



The state is really quite deplorable, there is a huge amount of waste such as plastic, glass, rubber, fabrics, shoes and whatever you can least imagine.


Currently, from the Vida Verde project that I have together with @cvnuitter , we are evaluating opening a tourist route in this area that, despite all the waste and garbage, has beautiful landscapes. So the road is long but not infinite.



We have prepared a series of visits to clean the route of the site where the route will be taken and seek professional help from an anthropologist and archaeologist for the maintenance and restoration of the petroglyphs.




This would be the first step to contribute to conservation through tourist activities that we would generate from Vida Verde. It won't be easy, there are many homes that dump wastewater directly and indirectly up to the ravine, which is the lowest point of all the houses in the area that are at the height of the tops of the surrounding mountains.

So if you want to be part of this, I will be uploading new posts and I will try to make it a Vlog to make it more interesting and attractive. Furthermore, it is not that the unique beauty of this ravine cannot be appreciated in photos, in video there may be greater fluidity in everything that It happens and is about to happen.