My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community.

in #hivewatcher2 years ago

I am writing to apologize for plagiarizing content from other sources and posting it on Hive ecosystem. This was a serious mistake on my part and I am truly sorry for my actions.

Plagiarism is a serious offense that undermines the integrity of the content shared on Hive ecosystem and the wider online community. It is important for all users of Hive ecosystem to create and share original content and give credit to the original creators of any content that is used.
I am really sorry for contents on my blogs that i had plagiarized in the past, these contents are:

I understand that my actions were wrong and I take full responsibility for them. I assure you that this will not happen again in the future. I will make sure to properly research and cite any sources that I use in my future posts on the Hive Blockchain.

I hope that you will consider this sincere apology and allow me to continue using Hive ecosystem. Thank you for your understanding.