When current fiat currency system based on the USD collapses it will be very rapid.
Suppliers in the B2B space with long timescales of investment vs return will start demanding payment in a stable global currency -Bitcoin. It is easy for businesses to do this. They just need the motivation, which will come from the existing system collapsing.
Then these demands for payment in Bitcoin will flow down the supply chain to consumers where a range of cryptocurrencies, including Hive will fill the space for smaller, faster payments.
Its really not so hard to get set up with a Hive wallet, not if your next meal depends upon it.
Onboarding could be better, and maybe a cryptocurrency that really nails the fast, free transactions with an easy onboarding app will become the next Zoom.
But Hive is well positioned.
If everyone tried settling in bitcoin, the network would back up with sky high fees... or maybe people would actually start using the lightning network.