martinisLOL! Nice job sliding in by the skin of your teeth, @stevenwood (now who's mixing metaphors?)! Appreciate your very literal support (going by the excellent capture by your daughter) for HivePud, and it was my pleasure to ensure @streetstyle's legacy of doing his 1337th annual Power Up Day (you were close) stays intact. Thanks again, and happy Hiving dear fellow! 😊
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Yush! I wasn't too disturbed though, I wouldn't describe myself as shaken and I was not stirred...
You see, you mentioned Martinis and I took that and I ma... Oh never mind, As Granny always used to say, "if you need to explain it Steven It isn't funny", well, it wasn't exactly my Granny, my Uncle used to dress up, but anyway I digress...
Thank's Traci, may your Hiving days be... Uhm... ((I gotta be honest I started that sentence without thinking up something clever for the end!))
Thanks for the epic engagement, consider yourself well met, your high energy levels have been duly noted and a diagnosis will be with you shortly. Wishing you and yours a fabulous weekend from me and mine, may the week that follows be even better 😎