Tokyo Ghoul: Kirishima Touka! 2022 Redraw ♥

in #hiveph2 years ago

It's Redraw time!!! Hi, everyone! I've said it a lot of times before but I'll say it again, I love redrawing! I love looking back at my old works and challenging myself with my current skill to remake the old piece! Seeing the difference on what I can do now really puts things into perspective. Improving your skills is a slow uphill progress and it's easy to get lost in and feel like you're not improving. So, every now and then, I like to stand back and see how far I've come! Without any further adooobeedobeedo, here's Touka from Tokyo Ghoul 2022~

toukha 2022 yuh.png

If I'm being completely honest, I'm not exactly the happiest with how this turned out ;w; While I was painting the thing I had a lot of doubts on my perspective, anatomy, and even the colors (which I'm usually so excited about). I just thought that by this time, I would've... uh... improved more? ;w; The thing about redrawing is... sometimes it just digs into my insecurities as an artist. I would open my Photoshop thinking I can do things I couldn't do before. And when I still can't do it the way I want to do it, I get a little bummed. But then again, it's not the end of the world! I can still improve! >u<

Also! Looking back at it as I write this post, it looks pretty dope! Artists can be too hard on themselves sometimes and I may or may not be guilty of that >u<

2016 Version! ♥


Wahh! I didn't realize this was sooo long ago! I had just gotten my pen tab by this point and I'm still learning the basics of... well... art >u< Before I got my first pen tab, I used to just doodle at the back of my notebooks, nothing too serious. I knew nothing about anatomy and colors. I was and still am a messy kid so art supplies weren't really my thing so I never really learned how to color >u< So when I got my first pen tab, I had so much freedom to do stuff! I think that's when I started learning how to actually draw >u<

So, to anyone who wants to learn how to draw digitally but has 0 experience in drawing traditionally, I think just pick up a nice cheap start-up pen tab and see where it goes! It worked for me, maybe it will too for you HEHE

If you're looking for cheap pen tabs I recommend XP-Pen! It's the one I'm currently using (Deco Fun) and I think it was also my first pen tab! I think it goes as low as 1000 pesos or 20 USD and it's already pretty decent :D (not sponsored >u<)

ANYWAY, I think I got sidetracked way too many times for this post. That's my 2016|2022 redraw of Touka from Tokyo Ghoul!

That's about it!

If you wish to have an amazing companion through your drawing journey, feel free to join our discord! It's full of amazing artists, both new and old, who are willing to share their experiences. I learned a lot from them, I hope you will too n_n

I also have artstation and twitter! You can check em out here:

Thank You!

I hope you guys enjoyed this one as well!

All rights reservedAll images were made by @kothy

Feel free to comment any tips or suggestions. It will be greatly appreciated! If you liked the content, please leave an upvote. For more, please follow @kothy.


Oshiete, oshiete yo sono shikumi wo
Boku no naka ni dare ga iru no?


The 1st season was a banger, but i preferred the 2nd season more. Because the Mc was so cringy in the first few episodes.

Oh really? I actually didn't like the 2nd season ;w; I had read the manga before the 2nd season came out so I had big expectations and let's just say those expectations were not met >u< Story-wise and animation-wise just felt a little flat for me.

Good to see a fellow white-haired edge lord enthusiast here 😎

For a anime show in 2014, it was decent. Although berserk 2nd season was my benchmark so my standards was pretty low back then.

Also 10yrs old me: Morals? Cannibalism? Ewww cringe! *(Becomes a shounen in the 2nd seson).

Now that's my type. I think if i watched it now, i might like the 1st season more. UwU.



The enemy won't detect us. Because our white hair allows us to blend within the blinding light known as edge!