Sharing Light and Love: Our Christmas Letter for everyone

in #hiveph9 months ago

We’re wishing you a peaceful.png

Hello everyone! We're the Jeyang Chronicles. How's your Christmas? We understand that by the time you read this, it will be a few days after Christmas. However, we want to express our thoughts here in Hive as we spend Christmas with our loved ones, through this letter.

Many of us happily celebrated Christmas with our family and loved ones, or even with our friends and close relatives. This is the time of year when we gather and prepare a feast to celebrate the birth of our Savior. However, as we were seeing the shadow behind this festivity, we just realized that some people aren't on the same page as ours.

For people who are at the most sorrowful stage of their lives as they are grieving for the loss of their beloved ones. It's difficult for someone to celebrate Christmas without a person they want to be with, especially this season. May you strengthen your heart, as the Lord will not let us suffer for such a long time.

For some, whose loved ones weren't able to celebrate Christmas at home due to their work, or for those who have parents working overseas, we feel the loneliness in you. Just like when Jesus Christ was born, may you still receive a warm blanket of love and compassion despite your longing and incompleteness for your loved ones.

For those people out there who are experiencing financial instability during this season, we know that you did everything to earn money, particularly for this season. Despite those hindrances, may you find abundance soon, as the Lord is faithful and will not leave you for nothing.

For those people who are sick and spent their Christmas in hospitals or any medical center establishments, you're such a great warrior! Keep going, and may you strengthen your hope and faithfulness, as the Lord is the only one who can heal sick people through His power.

For those who have personal problems, whether they are health-related, relationship-related, academic-related, or anything else, it's okay to feel down or cry, as this fuels you to rise again. May you find solemnity through prayers, for the Lord hears every weeping of needy people.

For those people who have disputes with others, whether it is all about family or friends, we are still hoping for love through forgiveness between you. May you find a way to forgiveness, peace, and enlightenment, as God would like to happen here.

"Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me."

To all, we know how hard we strived and survived this year, and we are proud that we've made it this far! We hope that we will make it again in the next year and in the following years, until we reach our dreams and achieve the life that we've been yearning for since the very beginning. We are also thankful that we met you all here. We, Jeff and Dianne, are excited to welcome 2024 with you, Hive community peeps!

This blog post might be belated, but we are still wishing you a peaceful, solemn, and Merry Christmas! Happy holidays, everyone! sending Christmas hugs

Note: All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.


These are nice thoughts and Christmas is the time to share love, so this letter is just perfect.

I see you posted this content on your blog, which is not wrong, but you can get more readers when posting in a community. I see you're from the Philippines, for future reference, we have a Filipino community on Hive. Check it out.

Ohh I forgot about that! 😅 Anyways, we will take note on that, thank you for your heads up! 😊