Sauteed Monggo (Ginisang Monggo)

in #hiveph3 years ago (edited)

This food is one of the favorite viands of most Filipinos. We usually partner this with fried or dried fish. We can also opt to add some coconut milk in it, to make it more creamy and tasty.

My kids liked sauteed monggo too. They used to request me to cook this for them.

These are my ingredients: pork, monggo, pumpkin, string beans, malunggay, garlic, onion, pepper, jalapeño, salt, oil and water.

First, I boil one cup of monggo beans by adding about 3 cups of water to it. I set it aside when it's already cooked to be used later.

Then, I cut the pork into small pieces, and fry them. While it's frying, I sliced all the other vegetables. When the pork turned brown, I put them in a plate. Using the same oil, I sautèed the garlic and the onions. I then added the pumpkins. After about a minute, I also added the boiled monggo, string beans, jalapeño, pepper, salt and half cup of water, then cover it until the vegetables are cooked. Lastly, add the fried pork and malunggay in it.

Then it's ready to serve! ☺️

Much love,
❤️ Haide ❤️