Crack of Dawn...

in #hivepets3 years ago (edited)

Scratching and Pawin' out a Caturday Day Late post.Sammi Jo the @krazzy-kitty √'n in wit yas.

Saturday Tail Chasin'...

My pet human had me chasing my tail all day Saturday. We delivered a load of Harbor Freight Tools in Marianna FL. (USA) Then we went up thru Alabama to Columbus GA. To pick up a loaded trailer of refrigeration units. They deliver in Jacksonville FL. Monday morning. Such a long long ride for a Saturday. Over 600 miles!
It took us over 12 hours with our stop and drop offs.

Now we are sitting here on a Sunday morning. My pet @krazzytrukker has been up since 4am. He really is crazy..!

The Crack of Dawn...

We are sitting here now watching what my human calls... "The Crack of Dawn." I wonder if this Dawn knows we are watching her crack?
Hoomans have such silly names for things. Anyways I am lap sitting and this is what "The Crack of Dawn" looks like from my Kitty POV.



Oops, sorry, I got his leg in that second Crack Shot.

I was sayin' my Pet Human has been up since like 4 in the morning. I been following him all round the house like I always do. Watching to see what kind of shenanigans he is pulling. This morning the weirdo was messin' with our kitty poop boxes. I swear these two pet humans just worship our poo too...

Randy's Bday Cake - October 2013.jpgLook at this cake the pet hooman we call @pooky-jax made for him. She must be crazy too..?

They tried to give me a taste. They do that with all the Hooman food. But it smelled like Peanut Butter Fudge and Graham Cracker Crinkles. More weird names and also it was way too sweet for my kitty tongue.

The Poo Boxes...

Every month or so, my pet hooman, breaks down and cleans in and around all our poo boxes. We have many. He says every month or so. But time is different for us kits. Seems like every three or four days to us. He does more than just the daily scoop and freshen up of the litter. More weird names. He calls us Lil'Pigs, Buncha Cat Turds, and even a few names that he says I am not s'pos ta type on here. That is also weird cuz he sure seems to love messin' with the poo boxes? NOT.!!

He just read this and told me I had to put that NOT in there. Weirdo huh?

So here I am this morning following him around. I almost tripped him one time. That woulda been a hoot. I have got him before. It makes him hollar and call me some of those bad names when I trip him up...



Sunday Morning Sunshine...

Well, my pet human just told me he wants his phone back. He mumbled something about stalking looking up the KP Brothers? Just more of those weird names this boss kitty says. @galenkp and @tarazkp

Besides that Dawns Crack has turned to Daybreak. Such funny names for things these hoomans have.


Thanks 4 Stopping and Reading my Paw Prints.!! =^,,^=


Stalking the KP bro's huh? There's not much to see...Just a couple average blokes trying to make the best of life.

He told me you were his man crush. LoL

I have competition.

It's difficult to blame him I guess. 😆

I am picturing him in hiking boots and a skirt. Those hiker boot calf muscles gotta look good....

Hey! He is the one who hinted around in his post about hiking nakid..! Juss' Sayin'...

He is called @krazzytrukker for a reason... Juss' Purrin' =^,,^=

Haha. 👍

Making G👀gly eyes at You...

The KP Bros. Sounds like a business name. Admiration my man, not creepy stalking.

Yer Lil brother said you were getting soft... Hehehe

That right there is called shit stirring...

Awww Shit... Hey G-Dog, can ya grab my phone for me... Lmao


Lol...I get soft sometimes, but sometimes that happens to hard things.

Nahhhh... Not gonna touch that one my friend. Hehehheh

But I would like a little constructive criticism when you get a few on my second fiction post. Over in the CinnaCoffeeCafeThingyMaBobPlace...

Threema if you wanna really stomp me into the mud. But if it is OK and not horrible. Throw it into a comment please. Thanks and Good Day Mate... LoL

Sorry... I had to try that GDM. Sounds so lame from a non Ozzy right?

I just wish I had a cool accent and slang and swagger. But I am Me. And that will have to do... Hey look no Giphy.!! WTF..?

I had to try that GDM. Sounds so lame from a non Ozzy right?

Indeed, be we appreciate it when people try. 😆

Daybreak is a gorgeous shot. I don't know what else to say to a dude who pretends to be his cat so I'll tell you about Colombus, Georgia.

Dude I haven't felt intimidated many times in my life, that's extended stays against my will included. Been partying in LA streets since big wheels. But one night we rolled through Columbus, oh my fuck. Late too, trying to make Chattanooga, it's like 1am.

We ended up getting a room in Atlanta but we stopped in Colombus for gas (and coffee, we thought). Eh, that's the only time in my life I stopped pumping gas shortly after I began for no reason other that you get the Fuck out of the IMMEDIATELY. We didn't get coffee.

That happened to us in Hattiesburg, MS. One time.

Oh by the way, nice to meet you. My guy speaks highly of you. And has read a couple of your comments and stuff to me.

The pleasure is all mine and I'm not just saying that cuz you're married to a cat lady in a man suit. =D Stuff like that comes out when I'm so flattered I'm all like lost for words-n-stuff.

Love always
@dandays - The Luckiest Guy I Know

The only time I get up early, (about 3 times a night), is when I need to feel like a king and sit on my Throne. Funny thing about that throne, is it makes me real thirsty so when I am done sitting I need to get a drink, fortunately I am not a cat and I do not drink from my Throne.


The felines here in my pride are royalty...

Have you seen the fancy filtered water fountains our pet hoomans have gotten for us..?


No drinking from the sh&#%tters here at the Pookyville Cat Ranch. Lids stay Down.!!


They, (Thrones), are dangerous places. I have seen some really super fancy cat and even dog watering systems.